The discrete biogeochemical measurements from RV Maria S. Merian MSM85 sampled for dissolved organic matter, microbial cell abundances and gel particles. The parameters include POC/PON, DOC/TDN, microbial cell abundances, gel particle concentrations like TEP and CSP. The samples were aquired within 5-2700 m of the Greenland Sea between 61 N to 77 N and 40 W to 4 W. The data was collected on board MSM85 from 27th July 2018-11th August 2019. The water collection occured using a CTD and laboratory methods varied by parameter. POC/PON was analysed using CHNS-O Elemental Analyser, DOC/TDN was analysed using TOC-VCSH, cell abundance (phytoplankton, bacteria, viral) was analysed using flow cytometery, gel particles were analysed colorimetrically using a spectrophotometer. The purpose of data collection was to understand spatial variability of organic mater and associated dynamics of the microbial loop.