The Halos Archaeological Project


This data set comprises research data that has (mostly) been collected by the University of Amsterdam from 2011 up to and including 2015.The town of Halos, located close to the Pagasitic Gulf near modern Almyros in southern Thessaly, has a history going back at least to the Early Iron Age (10th century BC). The impressive present-day archaeological site, where the University of Groningen and the Greek Archaeological service have excavated since 1977, was probably founded ca. 302 BC, but already mostly deserted around 265 BC, presumably after an earthquake. In addition to the excavations in the Hellenistic city, which comprise houses, the city’s fortifications and a small sanctuary, Greek and Dutch fieldwork also includes excavations in the extensive necropoleis around the city (Late Bronze Age-Hellenistic) and a survey of the surrounding Almyros and Sourpi plains.The University of Amsterdam has been involved from 2011 onwards and carried out several systematic field surveys as well as (test) excavations. Its primary data are presented here.

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Metadata Access
Creator V.V. Stissi
Publisher DANS Data Station Archaeology
Contributor V.V. Stissi; V. Rondiri (13th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Archaeology, Greece); H.R. Reinders (University of Groningen); J. Waagen (University of Amsterdam); I. Kisjes (University of Amsterdam); T.M. Dijkstra (University of Groningen); M. Caspers (Leiden University); N. Pieters (University of Amsterdam); D. Susan (University of Amsterdam)
Publication Year 2016
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact V.V. Stissi (University of Amsterdam)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 25952
Version 1.0
Discipline Humanities