We present the results of a variable star search in Andromeda II, a dwarf spheroidal galaxy companion to M31, using Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 observations. Seventy-three variables were found, one of which is an anomalous Cepheid while the others are RR Lyrae stars. The anomalous Cepheid has properties consistent with those found in other dwarf spheroidal galaxies. For the RR Lyrae stars, the mean periods are 0.571 and 0.363 days for the fundamental mode and first-overtone mode stars, respectively. With this fundamental mode mean period and the mean metallicity determined from the red giant branch (=-1.49), Andromeda II follows the period-metallicity relation defined by the Galactic globular clusters and other dwarf spheroidal galaxies. We also find that the properties of the RR Lyrae stars themselves indicate a mean abundance that is consistent with that determined from the red giants.
Cone search capability for table J/AJ/127/318/table2 (Light-Curve Properties)