Cape Photographic Durchmusterung

The "Cape Photographic Durchmusterung" (CPD, Gill and Kapteyn 1895-1900) is a photographic survey of southern stars in the declination range -18 deg to -90 degrees. The original goal of the work was to carry out a southern survey similar to those of the "Bonner Durchmusterung" (BD, Argelander 1859-1862, see also Kuestner 1903) and Schoenfeld (1886) and the "Cordoba Durchmusterung" (CD, Thome 1892-1932) but using photographic plates which would provide a permanent record of the sky at the epoch of observation. The summary of the positional uncertainties quoted in the third volume of the published catalog gives +/- 0.28 sec (R.A.), +/- 0.044 arcmin (Dec.) for zones -18 to -57 degrees, +/- 0.157 sec + 0.0764/cos(delta) sec (R.A.), +/- 0.056 arcmin (Dec.) for zones -58 to -85 degrees, and +/- 0.157 sec + 0.0353/cos(delta) sec (R.A.), +/- 0.0127 arcmin (Dec.) for the polar plate where, as explained in the intro- duction to the third volume, many positions were derived from rectangular coordinates (these are positions reported to 0.1 sec (R.A.) and 0.001 arcmin (Dec.) in the -86 to -89 degree zones in the catalog). The probable error of a photographic magnitude, as determined by combining results for different magnitudes and weighting proportionately according to the numbers of stars in each class of magnitude, is given as +/- 0.055 mag. From an analysis of the faint magnitude limits on the plates discussed in the third volume introduction, the catalog as a whole can be considered complete to photographic magnitude 9.2, but it is stated that it will be found practically complete, in or near the Milky Way, to magnitude 9.5. Introduction: The complete catalog is contained in the data file, and corrections published in all errata have been made to the data. The machine version contains 454877 records, but only 454875 stars (two stars were later deleted, but their logical records are retained in the file so that the zone counts are not different from the published catalog). A list of corrections made to the original data as a result of errata published in the three volumes is presented in cpchg.dat. No other corrections or changes have been incorporated into the original data, e.g., from more modern positions and magnitudes or comparison with other catalogs. The original ADC document contains the total number of stars in each declination zone and the number added and deleted in each zone. Data are present for all stars in the catalog, including some which have been deleted in the errata; these have been flagged by a "D" in byte 11 of each respective record, but the records and data have been left in the machine version in order not to change the star counts and numerical sequencing and so that the stars appear in the correct locations if the catalog is sorted by right ascension.

Cone search capability for table I/108/cpd (The CPD catalog)

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Metadata Access
Creator Gill D.; Kapteyn J. C.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2003
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics