ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 CLS UDS field


We analyse the physical properties of a large, homogeneously selected sample of ALMA-located sub-millimetre galaxies (SMGs). This survey, AS2UDS, identified 707 SMGs across the ~1deg^2^ field, including ~17 per cent, which are undetected at K>=25.7mag. We interpret their ultraviolet-to-radio data using MAGPHYS and determine a median redshift of z=2.61+/-0.08 (1{sigma} range of z=1.8-3.4) with just ~6 per cent at z>4. Our survey provides a sample of massive dusty galaxies at z>=1, with median dust and stellar masses of M_d_=(6.8+/-0.3)x10^8^M_{sun} (thus, gas masses of ~10^11^M{sun}) and M=(1.26+/-0.05)x10^11^M{sun}. We find no evolution in dust temperature at a constant far-infrared luminosity across z~1.5-4. The gas mass function of our sample increases to z~2-3 and then declines at z>3. The space density and masses of SMGs suggest that almost all galaxies with M>=3x10^11^M{sun} have passed through an SMG-like phase. The redshift distribution is well fit by a model combining evolution of the gas fraction in haloes with the growth of halo mass past a critical threshold of M_h~6x10^12^M_{sun}_, thus SMGs may represent the highly efficient collapse of gas-rich massive haloes. We show that SMGs are broadly consistent with simple homologous systems in the far-infrared, consistent with a centrally illuminated starburst. Our study provides strong support for an evolutionary link between the active, gas-rich SMG population at z>1 and the formation of massive, bulge-dominated galaxies across the history of the Universe.

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/494/3828/tablea1 (The AS2UDS catalogue containing the results for all 707 SMGs from this study)

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Metadata Access
Creator Dudzeviciute U.; Smail I.; Swinbank A.M.; Stach S.M.; Almaini O.,da Cunha E.; An F.X.; Arumugam V.; Birkin J.; Blain A.W.; Chapman S.C.,Chen C.-C.; Conselice C.J.; Coppin K.E.K.; Dunlop J.S.; Farrah D.,Geach J.E.; Gullberg B.; Hartley W.G.; Hodge J.A.; Ivison R.J.,Maltby D.T.; Scott D.; Simpson C.J.; Simpson J.M.; Thomson A.P.; Walter F.,Wardlow J.L.; Weiss A.; van der Werf P.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2023
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Cosmology; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics