Southern MK Standards 5800-10200A

Spectra are presented for MK standards in the wavelength range 580-1020nm. The stars cover the normal spectral types O to M and luminosity types I, III, and V. In addition, a small number of peculiar stars are included. The data are in 137 FITS files, in the "fits" subdirectory. The list of the 137 stars is included in the "stars.dat" file; note that the list is not identical to the stars listed in Table1 of the paper. Introduction: The projected slit width along the dispersion was about 4{AA}, slightly less than 2 pixels. The data are corrected for atmospheric extinction. The fluxes are relative; to convert to "absolute" the values should be multiplied by 10-13erg/cm2/s/{AA} (10-15W/m2/nm) but because not all of the flux was collected by the slit, these values will be about 15% low with the factor depending on the seeing. Some features in the spectrum have been introduced by the instrumentation. The most notable feature is a small emission peak near the NaI 5896{AA} absorption line. The data are in FITS format. The FITS header does not include the units, which are described above. The spectral types and luminosity classes given in the published paper supersede those given in the FITS headers.

Cone search capability for table III/179/stars (*List of stars present in the "fits" subdirectory)

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Metadata Access
Creator Danks A.C.; Dennefeld M.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2003
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics