Extragalactic globular clusters


This is a collection of line indices in the Lick system (and others) for a collection of Galactic, M31, M33 and other globular clusters plus bright and dwarf galaxies observed primarily at the MMT over the period 1980-1992 by J. Huchra, J. Brodie, N. Caldwell, R. Schommer, C. Christian and G. Bothun. The paper describing this catalog of indices is published in Huchra, Harris & Schommer (1996, in prep). Table 1 lists the definition of the indices used, Table 2 lists the line indices and errors, Table 3 lists multiple measurements for individual objects (plus dispersions and means) to give the reader a sense of the precision and accuracy of individual measures, and Table 4 lists index measurements from higher dispersion spectra. Each of the index tables generally has two lines, the first are the index values and the second are the statistical (calculated from photon counts) errors. An estimate of the external error in each index can be gotten from the multiple measurements given in Table 3. "AV" in Table 2 indicates that the measurement given is the average of multiple individual spectra give in Table 3. Otherwise the "RFN" number refers to the serial number of the MMT spectrum.

DOI http://doi.org/10.26093/cds/vizier.21020029
Source https://dc.g-vo.org/rr/q/lp/custom/CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/102/29
Related Identifier https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/ApJS/102/29
Related Identifier http://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR-2?-source=J/ApJS/102/29
Metadata Access http://dc.g-vo.org/rr/q/pmh/pubreg.xml?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_b2find&identifier=ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/102/29
Creator Huchra J.P.; Brodie J.P.; Caldwell N.; Christian C.; Schommer R.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 1997
Rights https://cds.unistra.fr/vizier-org/licences_vizier.html
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)unistra.fr>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy