Ground Temperature Map, 2000-2017, Antarctic


The product provides modeled mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) at the top of the permafrost for the Antarctic and Antarctic Islands at 1 km spatial resolution. Permafrost probability (fraction values from 0 to 1) is assigned to each grid cell with MAGT < 0°C. The processing extent covers rock outcrops of the Antarctic Mainland and unglaciated parts of Antarctic islands. The mean MAGT was validated with borehole ground temperature data and yielded a RMS of 1.9 °C. Following files are provided in geotiff format: - Mean Annual Ground Temperature (MAGTM) [C°] - MAGT Standard Deviation (MAGTSTD) [C°] - Permafrost Probability Fraction (PERPROB) [Fraction, 0-1].All files are provided in Antarctic Polar Stereographic projection (EPSG:3031 WGS 84). More Information about the modelling method can be found in the product guide. The map was produced within the project ESA Data User Element GlobPermafrost.

Related Identifier IsDocumentedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Obu, Jaroslav ORCID logo; Westermann, Sebastian ORCID logo; Kääb, Andreas ORCID logo; Bartsch, Annett ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor University of Oslo
Publication Year 2019
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 20 data points
Discipline Earth System Research