The product provides modeled mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) at the top of the permafrost for the Antarctic and Antarctic Islands at 1 km spatial resolution. Permafrost probability (fraction values from 0 to 1) is assigned to each grid cell with MAGT < 0°C. The processing extent covers rock outcrops of the Antarctic Mainland and unglaciated parts of Antarctic islands. The mean MAGT was validated with borehole ground temperature data and yielded a RMS of 1.9 °C. Following files are provided in geotiff format: - Mean Annual Ground Temperature (MAGTM) [C°] - MAGT Standard Deviation (MAGTSTD) [C°] - Permafrost Probability Fraction (PERPROB) [Fraction, 0-1].All files are provided in Antarctic Polar Stereographic projection (EPSG:3031 WGS 84). More Information about the modelling method can be found in the product guide. The map was produced within the project ESA Data User Element GlobPermafrost.