Remote sensing quantifies widespread abundance of permafrost region disturban...
The RTS datasets contain the perimeters of detected active retrogressive thaw slumps.Vector format: ESRI ShapefileProjection: Geographic WGS84 (EPSG:4326)Vector type: PolygonThe... -
Remote sensing quantifies widespread abundance of permafrost region disturban...
The Fire datasets contain the perimeters of detected burn scars.Vector format: ESRI ShapefileProjection: Geographic WGS84 (EPSG:4326)Vector type: PolygonThe datasets are... -
Remote sensing quantifies widespread abundance of permafrost region disturban...
The Lake datasets contain the perimeters of maximum extent of individual lakes larger than 1 ha buffered by 30 meters.Vector format: ESRI ShapefileProjection: Geographic WGS84... -
Trends of land surface change from Landsat time-series 1999-2014, Transect T4...
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Trends of land surface change from Landsat time-series 1999-2014, Transect T3...
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Trends of land surface change from Landsat time-series 1999-2014, Transect T2...
This dataset has no description
Trends of land surface change from Landsat time-series 1999-2014, Transect T1...
This dataset has no description
Annual dynamics of rapid permafrost disturbances in Northeast Siberia
Permafrost is warming globally which leads to widespread permafrost thaw. Particularly ice-rich permafrost is vulnerable to rapid thaw and erosion, impacting whole landscapes... -
Landcover derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data (2015-2018) f...
Landcover classes have been derived from bands of Sentinel-2 (3 (green, 10m), 4 (red, 10m), 8 (near infrared, 10m), 11 (SWIR, 20m) and 12 (SWIR, 20m)) as well as Sentinel-1 VV... -
Remote sensing quantifies widespread abundance of permafrost region disturban...
Here we quantify the abundance and distribution of three primary permafrost region disturbances (PRD; lakes and their dynamics, wildfires, retrogressive thaw slumps) using trend... -
Trends of land surface change from Landsat time-series 1999-2014
In the ESA DUE GlobPermafrost project Hot Spot Regions of Permafrost Change (HRPC) map changes in surface characteristics using the full Landsat archive (TM, ETM+, OLI) from... -
Ground Temperature Map, 2000-2016, Andes, New Zealand and East African Platea...
The product provides modeled mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) at the top of the permafrost for Andes, New Zealand and East African Plateau at 1 km spatial resolution.... -
Ground Temperature Map, 2000-2017, Antarctic
The product provides modeled mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) at the top of the permafrost for the Antarctic and Antarctic Islands at 1 km spatial resolution. Permafrost... -
Landsurface feature classification of tundra regions with polarimetric TerraS...
Permafrost is an essential element of the cryosphere, which will be strongly affected by global warming. Although permafrost cannot be measured directly with remote sensing,... -
Normalized C-HH backscatter from Sentinel-1 (December, 2014-2017) for selecte...
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) applications often require normalization to a common incidence angle. Angular signatures of radar backscatter depend on surface roughness and... -
Vegetation height derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data (2015...
Vegetation height has been derived from Sentinel-1 satellite data acquired in VV mode. Masking based on Sentinel-2 has been applied.Areas with NDVI < 0.4 are excluded for... -
Ground Temperature Map, 2000-2016, Northern Hemisphere Permafrost
The product provides modeled mean annual ground temperatures (MAGT) at the top of the permafrost for the Northern Hemisphere at 1 km spatial resolution. Permafrost probability... -
Geomorphological units of Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica
The dataset contains the geomorphological units map of Hurd Peninsula in Livingston Island as GIS files. Mapping was produced using high resolution field mapping supported by... -
Geomorphological units of the Irizar - Crater Lake Area, Deception Island, An...
The dataset contains the geomorphological units map of the area Irizar - Crater Lake in Deception Island as a shapefile. Mapping was produced using high resolution field mapping... -
Lake Ice Classification from Sentinel-1A 2015 - 2018
In the ESA DUE GlobPermafrost project lake ice classifications were produced to distinguish grounded ice and floating ice in lakes in Barrow (Arctic Alaska, US), Teshekpuk...