IMPACT 2021: Map of anthropogenic pressures in French mediterranean coastal waterbodies


This dataset contains maps of 13 anthropogenic pressures (one pressure per map), modeled according to the methodology used by Holon et al. (2015), and updated with the latest available data on human activities in 2021. This dataset is available for visualization on the Medtrix cartographic platform (, free access after registration). More details can be found on the methodology and modeling approach on the medtrix website ( and on the 2018 IMPACT update report (only available in French at the moment). The modeling and mapping was performed using R software V 4.0. Table 1 lists the modeled anthropogenic pressures, the modeling approach and the data used. The spatial resolution of the raster layers is 500 m, the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the raster layers is RGF93 / Lambert-93 (EPSG 2154). The values of each layer range from 0 (no pressure) to 1 (max modeled pressure over the study area), and is unitless. All pressures are modeled over the spatial extent of the French mediterranean coastal habitat map (, “DONIA expert” project), except for professional fishing and marine traffic, that are modeled over the entire French Mediterranean sea. The ZIP archive contains a tif raster composed of 13 layers corresponding to the 13 modeled pressures. All data acquired are publicly accessible without any restriction (under CC-BY licence).

Metadata Access
Creator Bockel, Thomas; Holon, Florian; Deter, Julie
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC-BY
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Marine Science