Keck/HIRES Sky Line Atlas

This catalog provides a list of atmospheric OH and O2 lines that are useful for wavelength calibration of high resolution spectra. Tables of observed OH lines, and calculated wavelengths for molecular oxygen (O2) are given; the journal of the observations is found in the "Tables 1" section below, and spectra with identified lines are provided as postscript figures, which are summarized in the "figs.dat" file. Introduction (from Paper 1): The data are long exposure spectra taken with the Keck 10-meter telescope high-resolution echelle spectrograph. The current CCD's are not large enough to cover the whole spectrum in a single exposure but by using two settings of the echelle, "left" (L) and "right" (R), it is possible to do so, with an overlap in the middle. The night-sky spectrum was subtracted from each exposure, and these pairs of exposures were combined to get maximum spectral coverage. The resulting night-sky spectrum extends from 385.6 nm (in order 92) to 1199 nm (in order 30). The resolution chosen was 0.02 nm at 700.0 nm with a dispersion at the CCD of 0.005 nm/pixel. The wavelength was calibrated on each exposure by the OH lines themselves. Note that on orders 61 and 64 the atomic lines of O I 557.7 nm and Na I 589.0 nm are so strong that the OH lines would not be visible with standard scaling. Night-sky lines are visible in the spectra only longwards of 520.0 nm. No night-sky features were seen in order 62, 65, 66, and 67. The wavelength from the laboratory measurements published by Abrams et al (1994ApJS...93..351A) were used. Those are accurate to 10^-6^ nm (1fm). The spectroscopic notation used is different from that found in earlier astronomical literature. The notation follows the standard spectroscopic notation described by Hertzberg (1950). The reader is referred for details to the source reference.

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Metadata Access
Creator Osterbrock D.E.; Fulbright J.P.; Martel A.R.; Keane M.J.,Trager S.C.; Basri G.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2003
OpenAccess true
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Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics