We have studied the absorption of nitrogen gas in MCM41 on NIMROD at a pressure of 1 bar and at temperatures to 87K (A K Soper and D T Bowron, Chem. Phys. Lett., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2017.03.060, 2017). The data were analysed with EPSR using a model of dense amorphous silica for the substrate. The results demonstrated that scattering data of this kind can be used to give a very direct and accurate estimate of the pore-sizes in these materials. We observed two layers of nitrogen and were able to model the data accurately with EPSR. The new proposal intends to extend these earlier measurements to lower temperature to observe capillary condensation and model the structure of the nitrogen in the fully absorbed state. In addition we would like to study the absorption of some other common gases, oxygen, hydrogen and methane which have important technological applications.