SDSS DR16 Selection

This is a redacted version of the SDSS DR16 table prepared for VizieR (V/154/sdss16). It is mainly here to facilitate local matches; for original SDSS-related research, it is probably better to somewhere else.

Over VizieR and SDSS, we are keeping most of the per-band values in arrays to keep the column list manageable. Note that in ADQL, array indexes are 1-based.

We are trying to orient our column names on SDSS but use underscores instead of camel-casing (e.g. spec_obj_id instead of SpecObjID), since mixed-case identifiers in SQL is asking for trouble.

To save space, we do not keep psf-based classifications, per-band offsets, spectrum metadata, and USNO-related information in this table. Let the operators know if you need any of that.

Related Identifier
Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator humada, Romina; Prieto, Carlos Allende; Almeida, Andrés; Anders, Friedrich; Anderson, Scott F.; Andrews, Brett H.; Anguiano, Borja; Arcodia, Riccardo; Armengaud, Eric; Aubert, Marie; Avila, Santiago; Avila-Reese, Vladimir; Badenes, Carles; Balland, Christophe; Barger, Kat; Barrera-Ballesteros, Jorge K.; Basu, Sarbani; Bautista, Julian; Beaton, Rachael L.; Beers, Timothy C.; Benavides, B. Izamar T.; Bender, Chad F.; Bernardi, Mariangela; Bershady, Matthew; Beutler, Florian; Bidin, Christian Moni; Bird, Jonathan; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Blanc, Guillermo A.; Blanton, Michael R.; Boquien, Médéric; Borissova, Jura; Bovy, Jo; Brandt, W. N.; Brinkmann, Jonathan; Brownstein, Joel R.; Bundy, Kevin; Bureau, Martin; Burgasser, Adam; Burtin, Etienne; Cano-Díaz, Mariana; Capasso, Raffaella; Cappellari, Michele; Carrera, Ricardo; Chabanier, Solène; Chaplin, William; Chapman, Michael; Cherinka, Brian; Chiappini, Cristina; Doohyun Choi, Peter; et al
Instrument APOGEE-2; eBOSS
Publisher The GAVO DC team
Publication Year 2022
Rights Please see for the authors' requests on how to cite this material.
OpenAccess true
Contact GAVO Data Centre Team <gavo(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy