House and yard in Early Medieval northern Francia. An archaeological study into the types, development and meanings of rural settlement and domestic architecture - Appendices


Appendices to the PhD research by Ewoud Deschepper, entitled ''House and yard in Early Medieval northern Francia. An archaeological study into the types, development and meanings of rural settlement and domestic architecture". Carried out at Ghent University (2017-2021) and funded by the Research Foundation Flanders under grant nr. FWO17/ASP/023.

Metadata Access
Creator E. Deschepper ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Archaeology
Contributor E. Deschepper; W. De Clercq (Universiteit Gent); Universiteit Gent; Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen
Publication Year 2021
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact E. Deschepper (Universiteit Gent)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/csv; text/comma-separated-values; text/xml; application/pdf; image/svg+xml; text/plain
Size 8775; 6111; 613; 113622; 7425; 37869; 27497; 32727; 2029; 279085; 5851; 5944; 20513; 14735207; 278678; 460792; 5435; 788; 1122678; 1123607; 1126625; 1127377; 1129745; 572822; 567638; 626434; 585305; 633506; 845404; 925273; 927456; 712805; 1206523; 1204335; 1205257; 600644; 1814445; 1803736; 1819674; 1829321; 1832739; 587034; 588551
Version 1.0
Discipline Humanities