Far-UV stellar photometry


Far-ultraviolet photometry is presented for 121 objects in a 20deg diameter field centered on Rho Oph and for 649 objects in a field covering the Galactic center. Broadband magnitudes with effective wavelengths of 1375A and 1781A are given. The Galactic center field overlaps two fields which were discussed in an earlier paper. Eighty- eight percent of the ultraviolet objects in the Rho Oph field were identified with visible stars using the SIMBAD database, while only 9% of the objects are blends of early-type stars too close together to separate with our resolution. The photometric calibration was studied in detail, and corrections for nonlinearity were derived for the fields analyzed earlier as well as those discussed here. For stars in common between the Galactic center field and the previous fields, a comparison of the magnitudes yielded estimates of the internal errors of the magnitudes of sigma_1375=0.13mag and sigma_1781=0.21mag. A collated list of stars in the fields covering the Galactic center and incorporating the revised calibration is presented and compared with the S201 data of the same region. The properties of the sample of ultraviolet objects in the Rho Oph field are briefly commented upon.

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/104/101/table2 (Ultraviolet objects in the rho Ophiuchi field)

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/104/101/table3 (Ultraviolet objects in the galactic center field)

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/104/101/table5 (Collated list of objects from the Scorpius, Sagittarius, and Galactic center fields)

DOI http://doi.org/10.26093/cds/vizier.21040101
Source https://dc.g-vo.org/rr/q/lp/custom/CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/104/101
Related Identifier https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/ApJS/104/101
Related Identifier http://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR-2?-source=J/ApJS/104/101
Metadata Access http://dc.g-vo.org/rr/q/pmh/pubreg.xml?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_b2find&identifier=ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/104/101
Creator Schmidt E.G.; Carruthers G.R.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 1997
Rights https://cds.unistra.fr/vizier-org/licences_vizier.html
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)unistra.fr>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics