Tematsko se raziskava osredotoča na problem korupcije, njene vzroke in njeno sprejemanje med državljankami in državljani. Večina vprašanj se nanaša na problemska področja, kot so: razširjenost korupcije, izkušnje s korupcijo in boj proti korupciji, ostali del pa poleg demografije zajema tudi volilne preference in pristojnosti Komisije za preprečevanje korupcije.
Thematically, the survey focuses on the problem of corruption, its causes and acceptance among Slovenian citizens. Most questions relate to fields such as corruption expansion, experiences with corruption and anti-corruption effort. Besides demography, the rest of the questionnaire contains political party preferences and competence of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption.
Verjetnostno: večstopenjskoProbability.Multistage
Probability: MultistageProbability.Multistage
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI