Neon processing and analysis data


(1) Computed by comparison to 20Ne signal in air pipettes. 1-sigma uncertainty includes measurement uncertainty of 20Ne signal in this analysis and the reproducibility of the air pipette signal(2) Computed by comparison to 21Ne signal in air pipettes. 1-sigma uncertainty includes measurement uncertainty of 21Ne signal in this analysis and the reproducibility of the air pipette signal(3) Computed by comparison to 22Ne signal in air pipettes. 1-sigma uncertainty includes measurement uncertainty of 21Ne signal in this analysis and the reproducibility of the air pipette signal(4) Isotope ratio measured internally during each analysis and corrected for mass discrimination based on the air standard

Related Identifier IsPartOf
Related Identifier References
Metadata Access
Creator Campbell, Mae Kate ORCID logo; Bierman, Paul R ORCID logo; Schmidt, Amanda H ORCID logo; Sibello Hernández, Rita Yvelice; Garcia-Moya, Alejandro ORCID logo; Corbett, Lee B; Hidy, Alan J; Cartas Aguila, Héctor Alejandro; Guillén Arruebarrena, Aniel; Balco, Greg; Dethier, David; Caffee, Marc W ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2022
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 272 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-80.445W, 22.444S, -80.291E, 22.707N); Cuba