Data on the biogeochemical cycle of methane in the ocean


Geological, mineralogical and microbiological aspects of the methane cycle in water and sediments of different areas in the oceans are under consideration in the monograph. Original and published estimations of formation- and oxidation rates of methane with use of radioisotope and isotopic methods are given. The role of aerobic and anaerobic microbial oxidation of methane in production of organic matter and in formation of authigenic carbonates is considered. Particular attention is paid to processes of methane transformation in areas of its intensive input to the water column from deep-sea hydrothermal sources, mud volcanoes, and cold methane seeps.

Supplement to: Lein, Alla Yu; Ivanov, Mikhail V (2009): Biogeokhimicheskii Tsikl Metana v Okeane (Biogeochemical Cycle of Methane in the Ocean). Nauka Publ. (Moscow); Lisitzin, A.P. (Ed.), 576 pp.

Metadata Access
Creator Lein, Alla Yu; Ivanov, Mikhail V
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2009
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 129 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-33.901W, -25.503S, 5.043E, 82.000N); Barents Sea; Indian Ocean; Arabian Sea; Persian Gulf; Gulf of Oman; Baltic Sea; Gulf of Riga; Gulf of Gdansk; Mozambique Channel; Bay of Bengal; East Pacific; off Peru; South China Sea; Gulf of Aden; Juan de Fuca Ridge, North Pacific Ocean; Guaymas Basin; Norwegian Sea; Rainbow Hydrothermal Field; Hydrothermal area 9°50N, EPR; Kara Sea; Northeast Pacific; Obskaya Guba; Yenisey River; Bering Sea; Batabano Bay, Cuba; Chukchi Sea; Gdansk Bay; White Sea; East Equatorial Atlantic; East Atlantic; Benguela Upwelling
Temporal Coverage Begin 1993-09-15T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2006-08-24T00:00:00Z