A new biofunctionalized and micropatterned PDMS is able to promote stretching...
The data supporting the findings of this study are presented. All biological data have been consolidated into a single Excel file. The raw spectrometry data from the analyses... -
An Instruction Dataset for Extracting Quantum Cascade Laser Properties from S...
Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) are semiconductor laser devices with a lasing frequency range in the mid to infra red region. The QCL device has both design (materials stacking... -
Impact of overflow vs. limitation of propionic acid on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate...
This dataset gathers the data published as figures in the scientific article "Impact of overflow vs. limitation of propionic acid on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate)... -
Data and programs used for the article "Reputation shortcoming in academic pu...
This set of data and programs were used to analyze the relationship between authors’ ties with professional editors and the publications of these authors in the editors’... -
Stakeholders' preferences survey about new technology acceptance and potentia...
This dataset contains results of a survey conducted in order to understand the new technology acceptance and potential development for waste management in wine production. A... -
Ecological and phenotypic trait dataset for 12 European forest tree species f...
GenTree is a European Union project financed under the Horizon 2020 framework (2016-2020). The goal of GenTree was to improve the status and use of European in-situ and ex-situ... -
Historical Phenology Data from Observatory St-Maur-des-Fossés, INRAE Versaill...
Données d'observation sur la phénologie de plusieurs plantes (Arbres, arbustes, fruitiers, plantes vivaces...) de l'Observatoire du Parc St-Maur entre les années 1875 et 1947.... -
Flux tower by Eddy Covariance and InfraRed scintillometry on ORACLE observatory
Observational data from flux tower and infrared scintillometry. Data are associated with micro-meteorological data. All data is measured at high-frequency. Data have been... -
Properties of biomass powders resulting from the fine comminution of straw an...
This dataset gathers particle size distributions, agglomeration data, shape factors, rheological properties and SEM Images of 6 lignocellulosic biomass powders from 2... -
Implementation of a scoring methodology for environmental assessment of food ...
This file gathers the scientific papers analysed for setting up the GLOPACK packaging score methodology, the anonymized raw results of the interviews (qualitative interviews)... -
How to get reliable oxygen transmission rate values for coated cardboards?
This dataset gathers the data presented in the scientific article "How to get reliable oxygen transmission rate values for coated cardboards?". File 1 : This file contains all... -
The GLOPACK packaging score, template
This dataset is a compilation of excel files corresponding to the template of the GLOPACK packaging scores applied to different milk containers. -
Turn-on power measurements on B3-EM001-S4 RAIN transponder
Turn-on power measurements on B3-EM001-S4 RAIN transponder and associated environmental data -
3D Modelling of Mass Transfer into Bio-Composite
This data verse contains the raw data obtained from simulations of mass transfer into biocomposite, with a 3D numerical model. -
Does physical inactivity induce significant changes in human gut microbiota? ...
Ensemble des données physiologiques et métagénomiques utilisés au cours de l'étude associée au CPP Est III: 02 October, 2018, n° ID RCB 2018-A01470-55) et l'autorité sanitaire... -
RSSI measurements on B3-EM001-SC4 RAIN transponder
RSSI measurements on B3-EM001-SC4 RAIN transponder and associated environmental data -
Physical-chemical and structural stability of poly(3HB-co-3HV)/(ligno-)cellul...
Raw data for the article "Physical-Chemical and Structural Stability of Poly(3HB-co-3HV)/(ligno-)cellulosic Fibre-Based Biocomposites over Successive Dishwashing Cycles »... -
Quality, Ethics, Gender Equality Plan, IPR and Risk Management Plan
Deliverable 7.1 for Project "eco2adapt - Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Changemaking to Shape, Protect and Maintain the Resilience of Tomorrow’s Forests." Funded from the EU... -
Temperature-dependent zero-field splittings in graphene
Data associated to the publication : Temperature-dependent zero-field splittings in graphene C. Bray, K. Maussang, C. Consejo, J. A. Delgado-Notario, S. Krishtopenko, I.... -
Genomic prediction in a multi-generation Eucalyptus globulus breeding populat...
This dataset contains data used in the article "Genomic prediction in a multi-generation Eucalyptus globulus breeding population." Haristoy et al. 2022