EXMARaLDA Partitur Editor Manual (Chinese)
A short version of the EXMARaLDA Partitur Editor manual in Chinese -
Quickstart: Wartungsfunktionen im EXMARaLDA Corpus Manager (Coma)
Eine Einführung in die Wartungsfunktionen im EXMARaLDA Corpus Manager (Coma) -
Conference Report: The Physiologus between East and West. Transmission and di...
Conference Report: The Physiologus between East and West. Transmission and dissemination of an early Christian text on nature, Paris, 15–17 June 2017 -
The DGS-Korpus approach to including frequent sign combinations in a corpus-...
With the availability of corpus data new kinds of information on sign use can be found and made available in sign language dictionary entries, such as different types of typical... -
Die Erstellung von Fachgebärdenlexika am Institut für Deutsche Gebärdensprach...
Detailed description of how six corpus-based LSP dictionaries German – German Sign Language (DGS) were produced including elicitation methods, annotation and... -
This is a studio recording in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) to document lexical material of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took place on 2018-06-27,... -
Beta maṣāḥǝft Data
Data is maintained here https://github.com/BetaMasaheft This dump is provided as additional security and to facilitate reuse. Includes the Ethio-SPaRe data and the... -
Reference Corpus Middle Low German/Low Rhenish (1200-1650); Referenzkorpus Mi...
The project "Reference Corpus Middle Low German/Low Rhenish (1200–1650)", abbreviated as "ReN", is part of the "Corpus of Historical German... -
Front Matter
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin 1/1 (2015) Front Matter See also https://www.aai.uni-hamburg.de/en/comst/publications/bulletin/bulletin1-1.html -
VIKUS Viewer (overlay extension)
The VIKUS Viewer (overlay extension) is an adaption of VIKUS Viewer, a web-based visualization system for the dynamic, interactive visualization of metadata (originally on... -
Einfluß von Atmosphäre-Ozean Wechselwirkungen auf Starkniederschläge über Eu...
Einfluß von Atmosphäre-Ozean Wechselwirkungen auf Starkniederschläge über Europa: Trotz der wichtigen Rolle, die die Ozeane für Wetter und Klima... -
Towards Fair Licences for Data from the DGS Corpus Project
This poster discusses ideas for future license models for corpus data from the DGS-Korpus project as a compromise between the personal rights of the data collection participants... -
The liturgical scroll between Orient and Occident: ideas for a comparative study
It is known that, in the Middle Ages, both the Orient and the Occident employed the roll, in particularly in liturgical context, with the text nearly always arranged parallel to... -
Anmerkungen über Umgang mit Müll von der Industrialisierung bis in die 1960er...
Die Geschichte der Mülltrennung und die direkte Nutzung von Hausmüll als Dünger wird am Beispiel Berlins von der Industrialisierung bis in die 1960er Jahre... -
Gesundheitsrelevante Temperatur-Ozon-Ereignisse am Beispiel Bayern
Aufgrund des hohen Zusammenhangs zwischen Lufttemperatur und Ozonbildung, der potentiell starken Ver- änderungen im Rahmen des Klimawandels und im Hinblick auf kombinierte... -
This is a studio recording in the DGS-Korpus project (http://dgs-korpus.de) to document lexical material of DGS (German Sign Language). The recording took place on 2018-04-17,... -
Constantin Tischendorf and his Greek Manuscripts
The aims of my long-term research project are to identify, explore, and analyse all Greek manuscripts that were brought to Europe by Constantin Tischendorf, a nineteenth-century... -
Discoglossus scovazzi ZMH A15451, unstained CT volume
Species: Discoglossus scovazzi Collection number: ZMH A15451 Institution of origin: Zoologisches Museum Hamburg Data: CT volume of unstained specimen Coverage: partial... -
The Manuscript Tradition of the Betä Ǝsraʾel (Ethiopian Jews): Form and Conte...
The manuscript tradition of the Betä Ǝsraʾel, the Jews of Ethiopia, has not been studied before. This article aims to provide a first tentative analysis of a number of... -
Dataset re the manuscript entitled "Pinpointing affective disturbances in psy...
Dataset Abstract of submitted manuscript: Identifying the causes of affective disturbances in psychosis requires a better understanding of the phenotypic nature of affective...