2020 Population and Housing Census (sampling)
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Taiwan Education Panel Survey: Wave3(2005) Evaluation of Students' Performanc...
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The 2013 Taiwan Communication Survey (Phase One, Year Two): Internet Usage Be...
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Kids in Taiwan: National Longitudinal Study of Child Development and Care (KI...
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2017 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 7, Year 3): Social Networks and Socia...
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Taiwan Education Panel Survey: Wave4(2007) Senior(Vocational) High School and...
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1981 Industry, Commerce and Service Census
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Taiwan Youth Project: J1W2T
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2014 Students Participate in All Levels of Education
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Taiwan Youth Project: J3W7S
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2019 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 7, Year 5): Social Inequality
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China Impact Studies 2016
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Taiwan Education Panel Survey: Wave2(2003) Junior High School Teachers
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Taiwan Youth Project: J1W1S
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2018 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 7, Year 4): Religion
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2018 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 7, Year 4): Religion
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Citizens Living Conditions Intentions Survey, 2017
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2019 Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 7, Year 5): Social Inequality
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Taiwan Educational Panel Survey
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Taiwan Education Panel Survey and Beyond/2015: Telephone Follow-Up Survey of ...
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