Research data of the publication "ArpC5 isoforms regulate Arp2/3 complex-depe...
Regulation of the Arp2/3 complex is required for productive nucleation of branched actin networks. An emerging aspect of regulation is the incorporation of subunit isoforms into... -
Stress granules plug and stabilize damaged endolysosomal membranes
Data related to the following paper: "Stress granules plug and stabilize damaged endolysosomal membranes" (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06726-w) Abstract: Endomembrane... -
Data from: Sex-specific estimation of cis and trans regulation of gene expres...
Datasets of the publication "Sex-specific estimation of cis and trans regulation of gene expression in heads and gonads of Drosophila melanogaster". -
Data for "Majorana-like Coulomb spectroscopy in the absence of zero bias peaks"
This .zip File contains the transport data, the codes for the data analysis, the microscopy analysis and the codes for the theoretical simulations for "Majorana-like Coulomb... -
Data from: "Dynamic pathogen detection and social feedback shape collective h...
basic data for use in code for experimental data analysis for manuscript under revision: Dynamic pathogen detection and social feedback shape collective hygiene in ants... -
Research data of the publication "Disulfide-bond-induced structural frustrati...
Disulfide bond formation is fundamentally important for protein structure, and constitutes a key mechanism by which cells regulate the intracellular oxidation state.... -
The infinitesimal model with dominance
The classical infinitesimal model is a simple and robust model for the inheritance of quantitative traits. In this model, a quantitative trait is expressed as the sum of a... -
Matlab scripts for the Paper: Gene Amplification as a Form of Population-Leve...
Organisms cope with change by employing transcriptional regulators. However, when faced with rare environments, the evolution of transcriptional regulators and their promoters... -
Supplementary data for "Computational design of cold bent glass façades"
This dataset has no description
Supplementary data for "Zero field splitting of heavy-hole states in quantum ...
These are the supplementary research data to the publication "Zero field splitting of heavy-hole states in quantum dots". All matrix files have the same format. Within each... -
Enhancement of proximity induced superconductivity in planar Germanium
This data collection contains the transport data for figures presented in the supplementary material of "Enhancement of Proximity Induced Superconductivity in Planar Germanium"... -
Research data for: A stochastic cellular automaton model of culture formation
We introduce a stochastic cellular automaton as a model for culture and border formation. The model can be conceptualized as a game where the expansion rate of cultures is... -
Source data for Metzler et al, 2023: Trade-offs between immunity and competit...
See Readme File for further information. -
Source Data (Chimeric GPCRs mimic distinct signaling pathways and modulate mi...
This dataset has no description
Time-lapse microscopy data
Nela Nikolic, Tobias Bergmiller, Alexandra Vandervelde, Tanino G. Albanese, Lendert Gelens, and Isabella Moll (2018) “Autoregulation of mazEF expression underlies growth... -
Biased partitioning of the multi-drug efflux pump AcrAB-TolC underlies long-l...
This repository contains the data collected for the manuscript "Biased partitioning of the multi-drug efflux pump AcrAB-TolC underlies long-lived phenotypic heterogeneity". The... -
Fastq files for "Complex chromosomal neighborhood effects determine the adapt...
Compressed Fastq files with whole-genome sequencing data of IS-wt strain D and clones from four evolved populations (A11, C08, C10, D08). Information on this data collection is... -
Flower colour data and phylogeny (NEXUS) files
We collected flower colour information on species in the tribe Antirrhineae from taxonomic literature. We also retreived molecular data from GenBank for as many of these species... -
Multi-electrode array recording from salamander retinal ganglion cells
This data was collected as part of the study [1]. It consists of preprocessed multi-electrode array recording from 160 salamander retinal ganglion cells responding to 297... -
Estimating inbreeding and its effects in a long-term study of snapdragons (An...
Here are the research data underlying the publication "Estimating inbreeding and its effects in a long-term study of snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus)". Further information are...