Conifer exome capture data
Variant calling files (vcf) and associated sample descriptions (metadata) for five conifer species -
Effects of plant functional group removal on structure and function of soil c...
We used a biodiversity manipulation experiment that has been running for 19 years across a chronosequence consisting of 30 forested islands in two adjacent lakes in the boreal... -
Genome assembly and annotation of Plasmopara muralis, the downy mildew pathog...
This dataset includes the assembly and annotation of the Plasmopara muralis genome (INRA-PM001 isolate). Plasmopara muralis is the causal agent of downy mildew on Parthenocissus... -
Data associated to the paper "A genomic map of climate adaptation in Mediterr...
This dataset consists of genotypes of 640 animals for 39921 variants (SNPs). Animals belong to 21 Mediterranean cattle populations. The compressed archive contains two files (in... -
Data associated to the paper "Central role of G protein Gαi2 and Gαi2+ vomero...
This dataset consists of an Excel workbook containing the raw data from Figs. 1B, 1C, 2B, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3E, 3G, 4B, 4D, S1C, S1D, S1F, S1G, S3A-G, S4A-C associated to the... -
Thésaurus de la viande
Le thésaurus de la Viande est une représentation numérique et standardisée de plus de 1500 notions et définitions issues du Dictionnaire de la Viande publié par l'Académie de la... -
TREEPEACE: Development of target sequence capture and estimation of genomic ...
Le jeu de données est constitué de 191,281 SNPs identifiés dans 297 arbres (mélange de Q. robur et Q. petraea) situés dans la forêt de La Petite Charnie. Ces SNPs ont été... -
Typology of European livestock production areas
This typology of European livestock production areas was made during the collective scientific assessment of the 'Role, impacts and services provided by European livestock... -
Organic farming at local and landscape scales fosters biological pest control...
Raw data on predation rates in vineyards. Based on sentinel approaches -
Phenotypic trait dataset of Pinus pinea from five common gardens of the INRAE...
Données sur les traits phénotypiques de Pinus pinea mesurés dans les jardins communs du réseau INRAE de génétique forestière pour la recherche et l'expérimentation (GEN4X). Ce... -
Phenomic selection, Rincent et al.
This dataset supports the study of Rincent et al. (2018) about phenomic and genomic selections. It includes genotypes, NIRS, and phenotypes of the poplar and winter wheat panels. -
Summary statistics of Permanent Organic Pollutants concentration in French to...
Ce jeu de données fournit des statistiques sommaires sur les concentrations en 2 familles de polluants organiques persistants au niveau national (hydrocarbures... -
SEASON : System for Evaluation of Agriculture faiSability using indicatOrs co...
SEASON (System for Evaluation of Agriculture faiSability using indicatOrs combiNation) est une chaîne de calculs d'indicateurs agro-climatiques et éco-climatiques utilisant des... -
Flore associée au pied des arbres d'alignement (un boulevard à Dijon, France)
Un inventaire floristique a été réalisé au mois d’avril 2010 sur 76 pieds d’arbres d’alignements répartis le long d'un boulevard à Dijon. Quarante sept espèces ont été recensées... -
Depth distribution of soil carbon age inferred from natural 13C labelling met...
Depth profiles soil organic carbon turnover estimated by the natural 13C labelling technique. Data have been collected from published articles plus original data... -
Carte de la Réserve Utile en eau issue de la Base de Données Géographique des...
Cette carte donne la classe de réserve utile en eau dominante par Unité Cartographique de Sol de la Base de Données Géographique des Sols de France à 1/1 000 000. Les valeurs... -
Woody Plant Ontology
The Woody Plant Ontology lists reference variables used for experimentations and observations on woody plants (forest trees and shrubs, and possibly fruit trees). It is an... -
Cross-reference table for Botrytis cinerea B0510 and T4 gene ids
Botrytis cinerea, the grey mould fungus, is a plant pathogen with a necrotrophic lifestyle causing serious pre- and post-harvest diseases on a variety of plant species... -
Rsyst::diatom_rbcl_align_312bp database: a database adapted to DNA metabarcod...
Method followed to obtain the Rsyst::diatom_rbcl_align_312bp database: 1/ Extraction of the 312bp rbcL barcode from the full Rsyst::diatom database rbcL alignment (using... -
Hourly weather data from 2020 recorded in a French orchard in Hauts d'Anjou (...
This dataset contains daily meteorological data from September 2020 recorded in a French orchard in the Hauts d'Anjou (Loire Valley), and more precisely on the estate "La...