Spin correlations in the lightly doped semiconductor oxide Mn:ZnO
Ferromagnetism in dilute magnetic semiconducting oxide materials has attracted both interest and controversy. Most studies thus far have focused on bulk magnetic properties, and... -
Crystal structure and core alignment in colloidal crystals of gold-nanorod@po...
Plasmonic nanostructures represent promising components for new optical and non-linear optical devices in many advanced applications. However for most of these devices the... -
Lithium Incorporation into SiliconSingle Crystals as a Model System for Anode...
In the field of automotive transportation lithium-ion batteries with high charge/discharge rates and high power densities are required. These factors are dependent on the... -
Dynamics in detergentless microemulsions
Detergentless microemulsions obtained from mixture of solvents and exhibiting nanometer-sozed fluctuations are now finally being recognized as ubiquitous, being observed in... -
Structure factor of the two isomers of propanol using neutron diffraction wit...
Our objective is to show that measurements on normal (hydrogenated) samples with high H content are definitively possible and we have chosen the 2 isomers of propanol as system... -
Probing the morphology and affinity towards H2 and O2 of Fe(II)/Fe(II) bindin...
The proposed experiments are part of a broader study on the Fe(II)/Fe(III) coordinatively unsaturated metal sites morphology and reactivity towards hydrogen and oxygen. The task... -
The structure of limoncello
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Magnetic structures determination of a new selenium oxyde Ni2Se3O6(OH)2
In the field of multiferroic material were are actually working on Ni3Se2O6(OH)2.This compound presents a polar non-centrosymmetric structure and two magnetic transitions at... -
Magnetic Correlations of Ba3MTi2O9with M = Ru, Rh and Ir.
The triangular spin geometry has been under intense investigation to study the phenomena of spin frustration, primarily on the 3d transition metal-oxides. Recent studies of the... -
Existence of a resonance mode in superconducting Sr2RuO4
There is ongoing debate about the symmetry of the superconducting order parameter in Sr2RuO4 which is one of the most promising materials for topological superconductivity. Also... -
Understanding the rich and complexsurface structures created in NaPSS/DTAB fi...
A reasonable understanding exists of the structures created at the air/water interface by flexible, linear polyelectrolyte/surfactant (P/S) mixtures and bulky, hyperbranched P/S... -
Volume effect on a correlated picture of lattice and electronic degrees of fr...
The purpose of this proposal is to isolate the volume contribution to the phonons softening in the narrow-gap semiconductor FeSi. The volume change of the phonon spectrum at a... -
Neutron diffraction studies of thetype of orbital ordering and spin structure...
Our aim is to investigate the evolution of super-lattice structure (i.e. charge/orbital ordered phase) as well as the associated magnetic structure in SrMn1-xWxO3 (x=0.10-0.20)... -
Probing anomalous (fractional) dynamics in rubbery membranes approaching Tg
In this project we focus on anomalous and fractional dynamics in polymer membranes, which should occur at finite observation times whenever a system has strong memory and/or a... -
Anomalous phonons in LSCO-O
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A windows into the Earth s mantle:On the crystal structure of hydrous wadsley...
Wadsleyite (beta-Mg2SiO4) is the high-pressure polymorph of the most common olivine mineral, and it is able to store water as hydroxyl group (OH-) in Earth s mantle transition... -
Momentum dependence of the lower energy novel pseudogap excitation inHgBa2CuO4+d
Our inelastic neutron scattering studies of the high-Tc superconductor Hg1201 led to the observation of two novel magnetic excitation branches associated with previously... -
Interactions of alpha-synuclein with lipid vesicles
We want to make a contrast variation experiment on mixtures of lipids vesicles with the protein alpha-synucleins which is involved in Parkinsons disease. The aim is to find out... -
Dynamics of GeTe near the rhombohedral-to-cubic phase transition
The rhombohedral-to-cubic phase transition in the narrow band gap IV-VI ferroelectric semiconductor GeTe is known for a long time. GeTe at ambient temperature has a... -
Out-of-equilibrium active membranes: incorporation of bacteriorhodopsin in su...
Transport process through the membrane involves specific membrane proteins, which use metabolic energy as ATP hydrolysis or photochemical reaction to process conformational...