Sensor-Based Measurements in Paraplegia: Classified References from a Systema...
This dataset contains the results (publication references) of the systematic review "Current Use of Sensor-Based Measurements for Paraplegics", presented at MIE 2020, Geneva. -
Economic impacts of oral diseases in 2019 - data for 194 countries
Data for the global, regional, and country-level economic impacts of oral diseases in 2019. Methodology is based on: (1) Listl S, Galloway J, Mossey PA, Marcenes W. Global... -
The MSC Data Set
From this page you can download resources we created for modal sense classification as reported in Zhou et al. (2015), Marasović et al. (2016) and Marasović and Frank (2015)... -
The Radical Anion and Dianion of Benzo[3,4]cyclobuta[1,2-b]phenazine [NMR data]
The data set includes the NMR data for the puplication: "The Radical Anion and Dianion of Benzo[3,4]cyclobuta[1,2-b]phenazine". We present the reduction of two azaarenes,... -
Optical properties of doped and undoped 9-armchair graphene nanoribbons [data]
Graphene nanoribbons are one-dimensional stripes of graphene with width- and edge-structure-dependent electronic properties. They can be synthesized bottom-up to obtain precise... -
Research data for dissertation project "The dynamic preferences and incentive...
Contained in this datset are the data from the surveys in Chile and Tanzania and the replication files for the analysis conducted in the doctoral dissertation: "The dynamic... -
Pflanzenreste vom Viesenhäuser Hof, Stadtteil Mühlhausen, Stuttgart [Suppleme...
Ergänzungsmaterial zu Rösch, M. (2014). Pflanzenreste vom Viesenhäuser Hof, Stadtteil Mühlhausen, Stuttgart. Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg, 34(1), 143-176. Liste der... -
Semantische Datenmodellierung für Bauwerke und ihre Ausstattung BAFO (Herder-...
Die Semantische Datenmodellierung für Bauwerke und Ausstattungsobjekte war einer der Schwerpunkte des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projektes... -
SO2 and BrO emissions of Masaya volcano from 2014 to 2020 [Research Data]
EXCERPT FROM ABSTRACT: Masaya (Nicaragua, 12.0°N, 86.2°W; 635m a.s.l.) is one of the few volcanoes hosting a lava lake, today. This study has two foci: (1) discussing the state... -
Meta- und Abrufdaten der Insolvenzbekanntmachungen von Februar 2018 bis Janua...
Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts wurde der Umgang mit Zu- und Abschläge bei der Vergütungsfestsetzung in Insolvenzverfahren empirisch untersucht. Dazu sollten... -
Twitter Titling Corpus
The Twitter Titling Corpus contains 4002 stance-annotated tweets collected between 20 June 2017 and 30 August 2017 mentioning 6 presidents. Each tweet is annotated for the... -
HeiCuBeDa Hilprecht - Heidelberg Cuneiform Benchmark Dataset for the Hilprech...
The number of known cuneiform tablets is assumed to be in the hundreds of thousands. A fraction has been published by printing photographs and manual tracings in books, which is... -
Subtypes of Native American ancestry and leading causes of death: Mapuche anc...
Latin Americans are highly heterogeneous regarding the type of Native American ancestry. Consideration of specific associations with common diseases may lead to substantial... -
Multimodal ground truth datasets for abdominal medical image registration [data]
Sparsity of annotated data is a major limitation in medical image processing tasks such as registration. Registered multimodal image data are essential for the diagnosis of... -
Learning the Likelihood: Using DeepInference for the Estimation of Diffusion...
In the corresponding paper, we use the recently develop DeepInference architecture as a general likelihood-free method to estimate parameters of cognitive models. DeepInference... -
[2+3] Amide Cages by Oxidation of [2+3] Imine Cages - Revisiting Molecular Ho...
The pollution of groundwater with nitrate is a serious issue because nitrate can cause several diseases such as methemoglobinemia or cancer. Therefore, selective removal of... -
X-SRL Dataset and mBERT Word Aligner
This code contains a method to automatically align words from parallel sentences by using multilingual BERT pre-trained embeddings. This can be used to transfer source... -
Stochastic dynamics of a few sodium atoms in presence of a cold potassium clo...
We provide the data and our jupyter notebooks used to generate the figures of our publication. Abstract: Single particle resolution is a requirement for numerous experimental... -
Good decision vs. good results: Outcome bias in the evaluation of financial a...
We document outcome bias in situations where an agent makes risky financial decisions for a principal. In three experiments, we show that the principal’s eval- uations and... -
Making the Anscombe-Aumann approach to ambiguity suitable for descriptive app...
The Anscombe-Aumann (AA) model, originally introduced to give a normative basis to expected utility, is nowadays mostly used for another purpose: to analyze deviations from...