AMR parse quality prediction [Source Code]
Accuracy prediction for AMR parsing predicts 33 accuracy metrics for a given sentence and its (automatic) AMR parse Abstract (Opitz and Frank, 2019): Semantic proto-role... -
A German UD Twitter treebank, with >12,000 tokens from 519 tweets, annotated in the Universal Dependencies framework -
Tool for Extracting PP Attachment Disambiguation Dataset
This resource contains code to extract a PP attachment disambiguation dataset as described in the paper: Do and Rehbein (2020). "Parsers Know Best: German PP Attachment... -
Begleitdaten zu: "PIA 1. Bericht des Pilotprojekts Inwertsetzung Ausgrabungen...
1) Neolithische Siedlung Cleebronn "Langwiesen IV": Fotodokumentation von Silexfunden 2) Frühmittelalterliches Gräberfeld Cleebronn "Langwiesen IV": Befundzeichnungen,... -
Affixoid Dataset (DE)
The dataset contains the manual annotations for the COLING 2018 submission "Distinguishing affixoid formations from compounds" by Josef Ruppenhofer, Michael Wiegand, Rebecca... -
Kaiserchronik - digital
The digital edition presents the entire manuscript transmission of the Kaiserchronik, both known and extant, in dual format: digital facsimiles of the manuscripts (where these... -
3D Micro-Mapping of Subsidence Stations [Source Code and Data]
This dataset comprises the source code to reproduce the 3D micro-mapping tool for plane adjustment at subsidence stations. In this project, users adjust a plane (height and... -
Comparison of perfusion models for quantitative T1 weighted DCE-MRI of rectal...
Twenty-six patients with newly diagnosed rectal carcinoma underwent 3T MRI of the pelvis including a T1 weighted dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) protocol before treatment. For... -
Neural Rerankers for Dependency Parsing
This resource contains code for different types of neural rerankers (RCNN, RCNN-shared and GCN) from the paper: Do and Rehbein (2020). "Neural Reranking for Dependency Parsing:... -
Real-World PP Attachment Disambiguation Dataset
This resource contains a German dataset for real-world PP attachment disambiguation. The creation, analysis and experiment results of the dataset are described in the paper: Do... -
Lexicon of Abusive Words (EN)
This goldstandard contains a bootstrapped lexicon of abusive words. The lexicon comprises a large set of English negative polar expressions annotated as either abusive or not. -
Gammertingen, St. Michael. Auswertung der archäologischen Ausgrabungen insbe...
Die Datensammlung umfasst die Befund- und Funddatenbank zu der monographisch veröffentlichten archäologischen Auswertung der Ausgrabung in der St. Michaelskapelle in... -
Sentiment Compound Data (DE)
This dataset contains gold standards that are required for building a classifier that automatically extracts opinion (noun) compounds. -
Pooled clone collections by multiplexed CRISPR-Cas12a-assisted gene tagging ...
Data accompanying the paper "Pooled clone collections by multiplexed CRISPR-Cas12a-assisted gene tagging in yeast" by Buchmuller and Herbst et al, 2019, Nat Communications.... -
Heidelberg Bibliography of Translations of Nonfictional Texts [data]
This project, funded by the German Research Foundation, compiles an online bibliography of German translations of nonfictional texts published between 1450 and 1850. It includes... -
Katalog inschriftloser Monumente
Die hier zusammengefassten Tabellen verzeichnen die im Rahmen der Erstellung meiner Dissertation gesammelten, nicht-inschrifttragenden Steinmonumente aus dem Untersuchungsgebiet... -
A harmonised testsuite for social media POS tagging (DE)
A harmonised POS testsuite of web data, CMC and Twitter microtext, with word forms and STTS pos tags (+ some additional CMC-specific tags). UD pos tags have been automatically... -
Image-based screening for stress granule regulators
The supplied macro provides the opportunity to analyse large-scale image datasets, derived from image-based screening approaches. It can be used as a base for the segmentation... -
Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO) – The CCO Commons examples in VRA Core 4 XML
“Cataloging Cultural Objects - a Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images” (CCO) provides a data content standard for catalogers of cultural heritage. It is a... -
deModify consists of 3631 instances, each with three annotations obtained through CrowdFlower. An instance is a short story in which a modifier is annotated with respect to its...