13 datasets found

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  • asdasd

  • Experimental Factor Ontology

    An ontology of experimental variables used in biomedical experiments, largely at European Bioinformatics Institute to annotate data.

    Relations between classes of the integrated Monitoring Foundation Classes
  • B2FIND mapping files

    Implemted in xpath2 syntax for each community and each metadata format in the assocated xml files - .xml the mapping rules for the facets and fields used in B2FIND catalogue...

    Ontology of the Monitoring Research Information System. BASIS for all integrated Monitoring Ontologies

    Foundation classes for Integrated Monitoring data description and management

    Ontology of Methodes and Parameters of Integrated Monitoring
  • EnvThes

    EnvThes with species of the Catalogue of Life

    Codelists of the Integrated Monitoring Ontology.

    attributes of the integrated monitoring foundation ontology
  • Dendro lightweight ontologies

    A collection of domain-specific lightweight ontologies for research data description. These ontologies can be combined with each other, or with others, like Dublin Core or FOAF,...

    Socio-Ecological Research and Observation oNTOlogy. Ontology for observations and all its parameters, methods, selections, objects, projects.
  • CIDOC CRM Erlangen Owl implementation

    The Erlangen CRM / OWL is an OWL-DL 1.0 implementation of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC CRM). It has been originally created by Bernhard Schiemann, Martin...