asdas -
Experimental Factor Ontology
An ontology of experimental variables used in biomedical experiments, largely at European Bioinformatics Institute to annotate data. -
Relations between classes of the integrated Monitoring Foundation Classes -
B2FIND mapping files
Implemted in xpath2 syntax for each community and each metadata format in the assocated xml files - .xml the mapping rules for the facets and fields used in B2FIND catalogue... -
Ontology of the Monitoring Research Information System. BASIS for all integrated Monitoring Ontologies -
Foundation classes for Integrated Monitoring data description and management -
Ontology of Methodes and Parameters of Integrated Monitoring -
EnvThes with species of the Catalogue of Life -
Codelists of the Integrated Monitoring Ontology. -
attributes of the integrated monitoring foundation ontology -
Dendro lightweight ontologies
A collection of domain-specific lightweight ontologies for research data description. These ontologies can be combined with each other, or with others, like Dublin Core or FOAF,... -
Socio-Ecological Research and Observation oNTOlogy. Ontology for observations and all its parameters, methods, selections, objects, projects. -
CIDOC CRM Erlangen Owl implementation
The Erlangen CRM / OWL is an OWL-DL 1.0 implementation of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC CRM). It has been originally created by Bernhard Schiemann, Martin...