ATREE Q-methodology statement sorts on forest clearances offsetting in the fo...
In Novdember 2019 about 19 experts on forest surface protection and forest clearances were invited to a workshop in order to discuss policy design and implementation problems... -
ATREE forest owners survey about climate regulation services of forests
Forest owners of the Canton of Lucerne were survey about their willingness to employ different forest management measures to provicde climate regulation services by forests. Of... -
ATREE forest owners survey about forest clearances offsetting in the forest
In April 2020, about 1700 forest owners of the plateau region of the Canton of Berne were invited to participate in a survey (virtually all of them received a conventional... -
ATLFISHREF A 12S mitochondrial reference dataset for metabarcoding Atlantic F...
The global biodiversity crisis driven by anthropogenic pressures significantly threatens marine ecosystems functioning. The rate of climate change and the impacts of... -
ASRB_WFJVF: Shortwave and longwave radiation measurements (2 min) at the Weis...
Incoming and outgoing shortwave and longwave 2 min radiation measurements at the Weissfluhjoch research site, Davos, CH. The experimental site at the Weissfluhjoch (WFJ, 46.83... -
Arthropod biomass, abundance and species richness trends over 32 years in the...
Recent publications about declines in arthropod biomass, abundance and species diversity raise concerns and call for measures. Agricultural intensification is likely one cause... -
Area of shrub forest
All plots classified as shrub forest according to the NFI forest definition. Citation: Abegg, M.; Brändli, U.-B.; Cioldi, F.; Fischer, C.; Herold-Bonardi, A.; Huber M.; Keller,... -
A numerical solver for heat and mass transport in snow based on FEniCS
This python code uses the Finite Element library FEniCS (via docker) to solve the one dimensional partial differential equations for heat and mass transfer in snow. The results... -
Anthropogenic change and soil net N mineralization
This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Risch Anita C., Zimmermann, Stefan, Moser, Barbara, Schütz, Martin, Hagedorn,... -
Angle of repose experiments with natural and spherical snow
Angle of repose experiments were performed with different snow types at temperatures between -2 and -40°C. They were used to examine granular snow dynamics on the grain-scale... -
Amphibian observation and pond data (Aargau, Switzerland)
In the canton of Aargau, hundreds of new ponds have been constructed since the 1990s to benefit declining amphibian populations. This dataset consists of monitoring data for all... -
Amphibian and urban-rural landscape data Swiss Lowlands
The data includes (1) amphibian occurrence data (2017-2019) for ten species across the cantons of Aargau and Zürich gathered from the Coordination Center for the Protection of... -
Amount of dead wood
Wood volume of all deadwood recorded according to the NFI3 method. For standing trees and shrubs starting at 12 cm dbh, the volume of stemwood reduced due to stem breakage is... -
ALS-based snow depth and canopy height maps from flights in 2017 (Grisons, CH...
This dataset includes snow depth, canopy height and terrain elevation maps of forest stands in the Grisons (CH) and at Grand Mesa (CO,USA) derived from airborne lidar. Data were... -
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. and Orientus ishidae (Matsumura, 1902) share phy...
Flavescence dorée (FD) is a grapevine disease caused by associated phytoplasmas (FDp), which are epidemically spread by their main vector Scaphoideus titanus. The possible roles... -
Advancing sustainable LED solutions to mitigate light-pollution impacts on ar...
Raw data and R Code to do all the analysis performed for the paper "Advancing sustainable LED solutions to mitigate light-pollution impacts on arthropods". Including data for... -
An ice oxygen K-edge NEXAFS spectroscopy data set on gas-phase processing
Data are compiled that have been used to demonstrate the impact of high water partial pressure on X-ray absorption spectra of ice. -
Agricultural biogas plants as a hub to foster circular economy and bioenergy:...
Supplementary material for the publication " Agricultural biogas plants as a hub to foster circular economy and bioenergy: An assessment using material substance and energy flow... -
Long-term afforestation experiment at the Alpine treeline site Stillberg, Swi...
Background information The Stillberg ecological treeline research site in the Swiss Alps was established in 1975, with the aim to develop ecologically, technically, and... -
Aerosol Data Weissfluhjoch
Aerosol properties were measured between February 8 and March 31 2019 at the measurement site Weissfluhjoch (LON: 9.806475, LAT: 46.832964). Optical and aerodynamic particle...