Supplement to: Curating the web’s deep past - Migration strategies for the Ge...
These files generate data catalogue pages from ISO19139, GMCD-DIF and Datacite metadata by using XSLT stylesheet transformation on XML metadata. This supplement contains four... -
Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB main hole HB1a
The main objective of this drilling fluid analysis was the detection of inflows of formation fluids. Therefore different gases dissolved in the drilling mud were measured... -
Upper thermosphere neutral wind cross-track component deduced from CHAMP acce...
This dataset comprises global upper thermospheric cross-track neutral wind measurements obtained from accelerometer data of the CHAMP satellite during its almost ten year’s... -
Black Forest Observatory Data
The Black Forest Observatory Data collection compiles digital data recorded at Black Forest Observatory (BFO) in Germany and provided through several international data centers.... -
Geochemical Analysis of Cations of Mud Samples of the KTB Pilot Hole VB1b.
Geochemical Analysis of Cations of Mud Samples of the KTB Pilot Hole VB1b. -
3-D-Deutschland (3-D-D): A three-dimensional lithospheric-scale thermal model...
We present a 3-D lithospheric-scale model covering the area of Germany that images the regional structural configuration. The model comprises 31 lithostratigraphic units:... -
Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB main hole HB1
The main objective of this drilling fluid analysis was the detection of inflows of formation fluids. Therefore different gases dissolved in the drilling mud were measured... -
Catalogue of Hypocenters for the 2014 M8.1 Iquique Earthquake Sequence, recor...
The present dataset is a high-resolution earthquake catalog for the region of the 2014 M8.1 Iquique earthquake sequence, in the Northern Chile subduction zone. Events in the... -
Fiber-optic- and conventional logging data for integrity investigations in We...
The data set contains conventional- as well as distributed fiber-optic logging data recorded during the drilling of Well RN-34, located in the Reykjanes geothermal filed,... -
Plant functional groups of the Baikal region
Vegetation map of the Baikal region, edited by J. Klump, B. Heim and S. Schneider. The map is based on: Isachenko, T. I. (1990): Vegetation of the USSR. Government... -
Compound flood drivers for northwestern Europe in high-resolution EURO-CORDEX...
This dataset comprises time series of 6-hourly surges and the daily streamflow records simulated from hydrodynamic-hydrologic modelling to quantify the compound effects of... -
High temperature measurements of magnetic susceptibility in diatomaceous laye...
High temperature measurements of magnetic susceptibility in diatomaceous layers. Most of the weak susceptibility is still present up to the temperature of 670 °C and carried by... -
Supplement to: Scaling the Sand Box - Mechanical (Dis-) Similarities of Granu...
The dataset presented here contains the results of mechanical testing of two granular materials (quartz sand and glass micro beads) that are commonly used in analogue tectonic... -
Raw pollen data from kasten core CON01-603-5 part1 (counts)
Sediment slices of 0.5 cm thickness were obtained from gravity core segments and of 1 cm thickness from the Vydrino piston core. Volumetric subsamples of 5 cm3 (10 cm3 in case... -
Monthly complex amplitudes of global M2 ocean tide induced electromagnetic fi...
An electric current is induced by the motion of electrical conducting seawater through the ambient geomagnetic field. The periodic oceanic tidal flow induces an electric current... -
Magnetic Susceptibility of Cores of the KTB Main Hole HB1
The magnetic susceptibility is measured by an inductive AC device (BARTINGTON). The sample is placed inside a coil which generates an alternating magnetic field. The applied... -
Radial Vp on Core Samples of the KTB Main Hole HB1a
Ultrasonic wave propagation through core samples is studied in a water tank to insure good signal transmission between transducer, rock specimen and receiver and to avoid time -... -
Average crustal densities and main terrain boundaries of the Caribbean oceani...
These data are supplementary material to "3D Modelling of Vertical Gravity Gradients and the delimitation of tectonic boundaries: The Caribbean oceanic domain as a case study"... -
Geochemical Analysis of Cations of Mud Samples of the KTB Main Hole HB1i
Geochemical Analysis of Cations of Mud Samples of the KTB Main Hole HB1i -
Magnetic Susceptibility of Mini-Cores of the KTB Pilot Hole VB1a
The magnetic susceptibility is measured by an inductive AC device (BARTINGTON). The sample is placed inside a coil which generates an alternating magnetic field. The applied...