This data collection includes a heterogeneous set of qualitative data which was collected to characterise the urban energy landscape in four cities: Bengaluru, India; Hong Kong, PR of China; Concepcion, Chile; and Maputo, Mozambique. Each case study contains data obtained by different methods including different types of semi-structured interviews, workshop transcripts, and observations. A report summarises the contents of the data for each case study. The case studies have supported a range of publications including publications about independent case studies; and publications that present a comparative analysis of the cases. Mapping Urban Energy Landscapes (MUEL) studies humanity's potential to achieve low carbon, socially just cities in rapidly urbanising areas in the global south. Achieving low carbon, socially just cities will require a spatial, socio-economic and political transformation. This transformation will depend on our ability to find low carbon development pathways for urban energy systems.
Collection methods included qualitative interviewing, participatory workshops and transects. For more information, please see the 'DataCollectionMethod' file attached.