Alquimistes Teatre


The Alquimistes Association is a non-profit organization that works for the development of people with intellectual disabilities. Alquimistes Teatro was created in 1998 in Barcelona during a collaboration between Albandis, an association of individuals with mental disabilities, and the theatre company Carro de Baco. The group, composed of individuals with disabilities as well as their parents, has worked in various scenic dimensions, ranging from classical theatre to corporal expression, dance, and musical comedy. They have also ventured into cinematography. The company also promotes and is actively involved in organizing the Fira Internacional de Teatre Integratiu (FITI) de Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona), a festival that is one of Spain’s most important events for inclusive theatre. In 2011, a new stage of Alquimistes began under the direction of Verónica Ramírez and Francia Gajardo of the Els 4 Vents theatre company, with the challenge and conviction that the group and the theatrical show continue to be a benchmark in the theatrical and social panorama. The success of the premiere of Ni Bella ni Bèstia in that same year and Farandulers in 2013— which reached the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya— are examples of the professional aspirations of the female directors. They work in a personalized way with each member of the team of actors and actresses. For instance, the piece The Imaginary Patient by Molière, which premiered in the 9th FITI, was a new challenge for the members, as it was the first time they worked with the requirement of an established script. In the following production, playwright and director Emili Corral joined the management team and created the work Donde manda el amor no manda capitán, a story inspired by Shakespeare and Federico García Lorca. It was presented in the framework of the tenth edition of FITI, which in 2017 transitioned from a Fair to a Festival. After the premiere at FITI 2019 of the adaptation of Orson Welles' Rebellion on the Farm, in which they innovated in staging with audiovisual media and live music, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and the company had to close for almost two years. In the third quarter of 2021, actors, actresses, and directors reunited and created the documentary Alquimistes OFF to bear witness to everything they had lived through: the experiences of their members during the pandemic quarantine, a look back at the company’s history and processes. In the twelfth edition of the FITI Festival, Alquimistes Teatre will premiere a new piece, Lorca in Women. Productions: FITI. Fira Internacional de Teatre Integratiu (2015) Romeo and Juliet Hamlet King Lear Ni Bella ni Bestia (“Nor Beauty, nor Beast”) 2 + 2 = 5 (cinematography)

Metadata Access
Creator Francia Gajardo; Verónica Ramírez; Emili Corral
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor SoledadPereyra(at)
Publication Year 2023
Rights Alquimistes Teatre; Albandis; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language Catalan; Valencian
Resource Type text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle; Dataset
Format text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle
Size 386 Bytes
Version 2023-12-15T13:38:40.165+01:00
Discipline Dance; Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; Humanities; Music