Beyond Generation Rent: Understanding the Aspirations of Private Renters Aged 35-54, 2019


Much academic and popular attention has been paid to ‘Generation Rent’ – a growing group of young people who are trapped in the private rented sector (PRS) due to challenges in accessing other housing tenures. Yet much less is known about the experiences of older, middle-aged renters (MARs). This is a key gap given the recent growth of the sector. Once a housing tenure associated with students and young professionals the PRS is now increasingly housing a more diverse range of tenants including families with children. Yet renters over 35 remain a relatively understudied group by comparison. This study aims to address this gap in the evidence through qualitative enquiry. It is led by researchers from the Universities of Stirling and Glasgow as part of the activities of the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (phase I).The Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) will be an independent, multi-disciplinary and multi-sector consortium of academic and non-academic stakeholders. CaCHE will be UK-wide in coverage (across all four nations and at different spatial scales within), as well as UK-level in focus. It will advance knowledge and improve the evidence base for both housing policy and practice in all parts of the U.K. CaCHE will be organised as a hub and spoke network with its administrative core in Glasgow and a physical presence in all 5 sub-national knowledge exchange hubs in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales & the South West, the North & Midlands, and London, East & South East. Additionally, our six research themes will cross cut the different geographies depending on relevancy and appropriateness. The management team will be responsible for overall strategy, operational delivery, co-ordination, data navigation, research and KE. The management team of three academics (Gibb, Watkins and Orford) will be supplemented by a senior non-academic lead on knowledge exchange and communications (Smart), plus a full time programme manager, KE and communications, administrative and technical support staff. The evidence centre and its management team will be accountable to a funders group and an international advisory board. The main consortium members are the Universities of Glasgow, Sheffield, Bristol, Cardiff, Ulster, Reading, Sheffield Hallam, St. Andrews and Heriot-Watt, along with the National Institute of Social and Economic Research, CIH, RICS and the RTPI. The consortium has a lengthy list of institutional and individual collaborators at regional and national level and our activity will be supported 'in kind' and direct contributions from additional partners including Crisis, the Wheatley Group, NatCen, Shelter, Rightmove and several more. Our consortium also has specific project plans with four complementary ESRC investments: Urban Big Data Centre, What Works Scotland, Public Policy Institute for Wales, and the ADRC-Scotland, and will seek to collaborate with others including the What Works Centre for Wellbeing. Initially, a five year programme, CaCHE will seek to become self-financing sustained beyond this period. It will do so by regular scanning of opportunities with partners, and by also being impactful and influential through a combination of rigorous evidencing, prioritised across six research themes, which in turn will generate a new primary research agenda to be prosecuted by the evidence centre. A key way in which relevance and credibility will be sustained is through the comprehensive nature and persistence of our knowledge exchange and collaborative working with non-academic stakeholders. We will repeatedly utilise an innovative collaborative working practice - the Tobin Project Process - in order to build a consensus through rigorous and intensive examination of the key questions and priorities exercising non-academic partners and our stakeholders nationally and in each region. In this way, we will co-produce our evidence review and research strategy priorities and will fully engage, mobilise and disseminate findings with academic and particularly non-academic groups through our network of networks (i.e. drawing on existing networks of contacts via our non-academic and academic partners). CaCHE will promote and support interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work and invest in knowledge exchange training for staff to maximise the impact of our multiple dissemination channels: non-technical briefing, summaries, academic and trade publications, targeted technical reports, high standard non technical international evidence review, blog posts, tweets, audio and visual pod casts, roadshows, seminars, conferences, workshops and media contributions. The evidence centre will support an extensive programme of staff secondments, promoting mobility between the academy and the policy and practice community. You can read more about its activities here:

Study involved 17 in-depth telephone interviews with private renters aged 35-54 living in either Scotland or England, who were not in full-time education. In addition to the interview, participants also provided photos of their home to both act as discussion points and to provide additional data to complement the interview: a method known as photo-elicitation. All but two participants provided images.

Metadata Access
Creator McKee, K, University of Stirling; Soaita, A, University of Glasgow; Munro, M, University of Glasgow
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference ESRC
Rights K McKee, University of Stirling. A Soaita, University of Glasgow. M Munro, University of Glasgow; The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service. All requests are subject to the permission of the data owner or his/her nominee. Please email the contact person for this data collection to request permission to access the data, explaining your reason for wanting access to the data, then contact our Access Helpdesk.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Text; Still image; Audio
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom