A relatively well documented record of intermediate and late chlorophyll diagenesis in marine sediments now exists. Intermediate diagenetic stages include conversion of chlorins to DPEP-series porphyrins and subsequent chelation with nickel, vanadyl, and, in special cases, copper. Increasing thermal stress leads to etio-series generation and transalkylation (Baker, 1969; Baker and Smith, 1975; Baker et al., 1977; Palmer and Baker, in press). In contrast, the early transformations of clorophyll are still largely unknown. Very early diagenetic reactions must certainly include loss of magnesium, deesterification, decarboxylation, reduction of ring-conjugating groups, and finally, oxidative-aromatization of carbons 7 and 8 in ring IV to yield free-base porphyrins (Baker and Smith, 1973; Smith and Baker, 1974). Chlorins (7,8-dihydroporphyrins) are very difficult to isolate and identify, because of hydrocarbon impurities which absorb in the blue to violet region of the electromagnetic spectrum and which co-chromatograph with the pigments. Further complications possibly can arise from artifact formation during isolation. In the present study, twelve DSDP Leg 56 core samples, ranging in sub-bottom depth from 4 to 420 meters and in age from Pleistocene to middle Miocene, were analyzed for tetrapyrrole pigments. Chlorins, in concentrations ranging from about 4 to less than 0.002 µg/g sediment, wet weight, were the only tetrapyrroles found. A carotenoid (tetraterpene) was isolated from Section 434-1-3.
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. # = values in parantheses, empty cells = not determined.
Supplement to: Louda, William; Palmer, Susan E; Baker, Earl W (1980): Early products of chlorophyll diagenesis in Japan Trench sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 434, 435, and 436. In: Scientific Party, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 56/57 (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 56-57, 1391-1396