Back Trajectories for "Atmospheric Dust Deposition Varies by Season and Elevation in the Colorado Front Range, USA"


Back trajectory runs to accompany analysis of dust at sites near Boulder, CO, USA using the Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Trajectory model (STILT) run with High Resolution Rapid Refresh reanalysis data. This analysis was performed on the University of Utah's High Performance Computer 'lonepeak'. This modeling data may be used with scripts available at; to produce the figures presented in the manuscript and supplemental information.

The zip files (view dataset as html and download via link instead of tab delimited) are named for the site and season of the back trajectory experiment. The files include the full output from the STILT model using the R interface (, which also includes metadata about the model initialization. The initializing file is called 'run_stilt.r' and is found in the 'r' subdirectory. The results are a series of folders which include of r serialized data files (.rds) found in the '/out/by-id' subdirectory. The folders are named with the convention 'YYYYMMDDHH_longitude_latitude_elev' where: YYYY = 4 digit year MM = 2 digit month number DD = 2 digit day HH = 2 digit hour. (Dates and times are in UTC) longitude = decimal degree longitude of back trajectory initialization site (projection = +proj=longlat) latitude = decimal degree latitude of back trajectory initialization site. (projection = +proj=longlat) elev = elevation of back trajectory initialization site in meters the .rds files within each folder share the folder naming convention with '_traj.rds' appended. Intermediary summary files for site trajectory distances and season land use categories are included, as well as tables of the summary stats that were included in the manuscript.

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Putman, Annie ORCID logo; Heindel, Ruth C ORCID logo; Murphy, Sheila F ORCID logo; Repert, Deborah A; Hinckley, Eve-Lyn S
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2020
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 92 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-105.820 LON, 39.630 LAT); Colorado, United States of America