HUB Proposal: Human Organ Atlas Hub (HOAHub)


This HOAHub will create a physical and virtual Hub which uses HiP-CT to scan whole human organs with local cellular resolution, producing a “Human Organ Atlas in Health and Disease”. It will bridge clinical imaging (centimetre scale) to molecular modalities (nanometer scale), providing unprecedented insights into our bodies, helping cure or mitigate diseases from neuro-degeneration to cancer. The HOAHub will bring together interdisciplinary groups to produce the novel experimental and computational technologies needed to analyse and interpret the scale-bridging data. By transforming HiP-CT into an efficient tool, HOAHub will enable the clinical impact of synchrotron imaging to be realised. Through these scientific and technical efficiencies, HOAHub will not only advance biological, computational and medical fields, it will provide anatomical training resources and a new Gold Standard for validating CT, MRI and 3D histology, inspiring new techniques and real-world clinical insights.

Metadata Access
Creator Theresa URBAN; Joseph BRUNET ORCID logo; David STANSBY ORCID logo; Matthieu CHOURROUT ORCID logo; Alexandre BELLIER ORCID logo; Peter D LEE ORCID logo; Paul TAFFOREAU ORCID logo; Theresa URBAN ORCID logo; Claire WALSH; Avery PENNINGTON; Dolapo ADEBO ORCID logo; Gowsihan POOLOGASUNDARAMPILLAI (ORCID: 0000-0002-8498-323X); Hector DEJEA I VELARDO ORCID logo
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2027
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields