Multiscopo ISTAT – Aspects of Daily Life (2013)

The survey Aspects of Daily Life , which is part of an integrated system of social surveys – Multiscopo ISTAT – reveals the basic information relating to the daily lives of individuals and families. Since 1993, the survey is conducted annually and the information gathered provides insight into the habits of citizens and the problems they face every day. The main topics of the survey are: - Physical activity and sport; - Food habits; - The organization of daily movements; - The use of and the degree of satisfaction with social welfare services and health care; - Leisure time; - Environmental issue; - Family life and relations of friendship; - The characteristics of the household and the characteristics of the area where you live; - Health conditions; - Social and political participation; - The use of new technologies; - The use of the major utilities and the degree of satisfaction with them.

about 8.000 families and 20.000 individuals. Two-stage stratified random sample

face to face interview

self-administered questionnaire

Metadata Access
Creator ISTAT
Publisher UniData - Bicocca Data Archive
Publication Year 2014
Rights UniData metadata records are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Italian License; ISTAT data are released in according to Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Licence, available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. The redistribution to the third party, even in partial form, of data available to UniData members only is not allowed.
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type individual data
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Italy