Rock-Water-Ice topographic-isostatic gravity field model 2012 (RWI 2012 model)


High-resolution spherical harmonic representation of the Earth's topographic, isostatic, and topographic-isostatic gravitational potential based on a three-layer decomposition of the topography with variable density values and a modified Airy-Heiskanen concept incorporating seismic Moho depths.

Main features:
- Three-layer decomposition of the topography using information of the 5'x5'global topographic database DTM2006.0
- Rigorous separate modeling of rock, water, and ice masses with layer-specific density values (2670, 1000, 920 kg m-3)
- Avoidance of geometry changes compared to classical condensation methods (e.g. rock-equivalent heights)
- Ellipsoidal arrangement of the topography using the GRS80 ellipsoid as reference surface
- Adapted and modified Airy-Heiskanen isostatic concept - Incorporation of seismic Moho depths derived from CRUST2.0
- Location-dependent estimation of the crust-mantle density contrast

- Forward modelling in the space domain using tesseroid mass bodies
- Transformation of global gridded values to the frequency domain by applying harmonic analysis up to degree and order 1800

Model versions:
- Spherical harmonic coefficients of the RWI model are provided by three versions
(GM = 3.986004415e+14 m3 s-2, a = 6378136.3 m):
RWI_TOPO_2012 (topographic potential)
RWI_ISOS_2012 (isosatic potential)
RWI_TOIS_2012 (topographic-isostatic potential)

  • To allow the evaluation of the RWI model by synthesis software that by default subtracts the coefficients of a normal gravity field, three additional versions are available:
    RWI_TOPO_2012_plusGRS80 (topographic potential + GRS80)
    RWI_ISOS_2012_plusGRS80 (isosatic potential + GRS80)
    RWI_TOIS_2012_plusGRS80 (topogr.-isostatic potential + GRS80)

where the following zonal harmonic coefficients of the GRS80 normal gravity field are added to the coefficients of the RWI model:

C( 0,0) = 0.100000014676351e+01
C( 2,0) = -0.484167032228604e-03
C( 4,0) = 0.790304535833168e-06
C( 6,0) = -0.168725253450154e-08
C( 8,0) = 0.346053594536695e-11
C(10,0) = -0.265006548323563e-14
C(12,0) = -0.410788602320538e-16
C(14,0) = 0.447176931400485e-18
C(16,0) = -0.346362561442980e-20

Note that these coefficients are already rescaled to the above specified parameters GM and a of the RWI model.

Details about the used DTM2006.0 topography model can be found in Pavlis et al. (2012, Details about the used CRUST2.0 model is available from Laske et al. (2000,

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Metadata Access
Creator Grombein, Thomas ORCID logo; Seitz, Kurt ORCID logo; Heck, Bernhard
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Contributor Ince, E. Sinem; Reißland, Sven; Grombein, Thomas
Publication Year 2014
Rights CC BY 4.0;
OpenAccess true
Contact Grombein, Thomas (Astronomical Institute, University of Bern (AIUB), Bern, Switzerland)
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Geodesy, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing