ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns is an add-on for the agent-based design and arrangement of columns in multi-storey, point-supported structures. The add-on contains various agent system constructs and utilities for column arrangement and is intended to be used within Rhino/Grasshopper. This version contains tools for the autonomous self-organisation of point-wise structural supports. The package includes example files that demonstrate how a model of an agent-based floor can arrange its own columns and exclude them from certain areas of the slab.
The database contains the source code for the ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns add-on to the ABxM Framework. By opening the ICL.sln solution in the Visual Studio IDE, both the ICL.Core and ICL.GH projects can be compiled to generate a grasshopper plugin for the add-in. The add-in contains three specialsied behaviours and a custom agent system, which are to be used in conjunction with the canonical ABxM Cartesian Agents and Cartesian Environment objects. Example file, in the form of a Rhino 3D BasePlan and a grasshopper script implementing the add-in are provided in the “data” folder.
Rhino 3d, 7
Microsoft Visual Studio, 2022
Karamba, 2.2.0
ABxM, 1.0