Employment of Slovenia's workers on other European countries is becoming both a systemic and individual problem and opportunity due to, on one hand, Slovenia's accession into the EU and the gradual removal of legal and other barriers to employment, and the increasing globalization pressures on the Slovenian labor market on the other. The focal point of the study are the individual, family, group and systemic barriers and motivations which encourage or hinder migration from Slovenian labor market into the labor markets of other European countries. The study attempted to describe and evaluate the circumstances that initiate or slow down migration, which can be connected to generation of individual, characteristics of socialization, educational level, employment status and opportunities on the local labor markets, family matters, individual and family income levels, personal values, cultural and language competencies for transition into other labor markets, etc.
Probability: MultistageProbability.Multistage
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI