Studying fuel cell catalyst degradation mechanisms based on bimodal Pt/C catalysts


This project aims to improve our understanding of degradation phenomena in proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) catalysts using operando scattering techniques. With the present proposal, we will combine two AST protocols for operando measurements, to make them more comparable to a “real-life application” and at the same time reduce the required measurement time substantially. We will apply the new concept of operando SAXS / WAXS measurements in a grazing incidence configuration allowing “catalyst-depth depending” information. We will compare a bimodal Pt/C catalysts with the respective monomodal catalysts. The combination of operando SAXS / WAXS measurements and ex-situ TEM analysis will be used to develop fitting models that will allow us to obtain probability functions similar to size histograms obtained in TEM analysis. Most importantly the model should not require the assumption of log-normal size distributions that does not take degradation phenomena into account.

Metadata Access
Creator Aline BORNET ORCID logo; Stefanie PUNKE; Jakub DRNEC ORCID logo; Rebecca Katharina PITTKOWSKI ORCID logo; Matthias ARENZ ORCID logo; Jens EDELVANG-PEJRUP ORCID logo
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2026
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields