The dataset was generated by researchers from the TU Wien Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation and the ETH Zürich Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, as a fundamental part of a study related to the analysis of the impact of erroneous a priori information on the UT1-UTC determination from VLBI Intensive sessions. The corresponding publication (title: "On the importance of accurate pole and station coordinates for VLBI Intensive baselines") has been submitted to the Journal of Geodesy.
In addition, a conference paper, and presentations at the IVS General Meeting 2022, EGU General Assembly 2022 and REFAG 2022 are available.
Context and methodology
The dataset contains monthly simulated UT1-UTC values of an artificial global grid of VLBI antennas (VGOS) where realistic errors in the a priori values of the station coordinates, polar motion and nutation offsets are introduced. With the help of these simulated values the global impact of erroneous a priori information is analysed.
VieSched++ and VieVS (both developed at the TU Wien) were used to generate the schedules and simulations.
Technical details
The dataset is structured as follows. There are 7 subfolders in the zipped folder that contain the simulation results of the evaluations with modified a priori values:
folder "errSTAu" - error of 5 mm introduced in the up-direction of the second station
folder "errSTAe" - error of 5 mm introduced in the east-direction of the second station
folder "errSTAn" - error of 5 mm introduced in the north-direction of the second station
folder "errPMx" - error of 162 microarcseconds introduced in the x-component of the polar motion
folder "errPMy" - error of 162 microarcseconds introduced in the y-component of the polar motion
folder "errNUTx" - error of 162 microarcseconds introduced in the x-component of the nutation offsets
folder "errNUTy" - error of 162 microarcseconds introduced in the y-component of the nutation offsets
Within these folders, there are .txt files with the following naming convention: "N%E%__N%E%_d#.txt".
"N%E%__N%E%" represents the location (North and East in degrees = latitude and longitude) of the reference and remote station
"d#" again shows the error that has been introduced in the simulation process
The files contain the monthly simulation results of UT1-UTC and its accuracy in milliseconds.