Solar radiation over and under sea ice was measured by radiation station 2014R4, an autonomous platform, installed on drifting Multi-Year-Ice (MYI) in the Arctic Ocean during Oden_AO18. Along with the radiation measurements, this autonomous platform consisted of thermistor chain with 208 sensors, measuring tempeature and heating-induced temperature differences.
The data set has been processed and contains quality flags for different kinds for erroneous data. Flag values are the sum of individual error codes. The value of 0 refers to no error.Quality flag, position: The geographic position is flagged +1 if the drift velocity, as derived from the GPS longitude and latitude, exceeds a threshold of 10 deg latitude or 50 deg longitude per time step; +2 if the position exceeds extreme values, such as longitude > 360 deg; +4 if the position is exactly 0.0.