Merikanto et al: How Asian aerosols impact regional surface temperatures across the globe, submitted to ACP; NorESM1 and ECHAM6.1 data


Monthly gridded netcdf data from ECHAM6.1 and NorESM1 models using MacSP-v2 anthropogenic aerosol descriptions, including all nine anthropogenic aerosol plumes (files named "SP2005") or with South and East Asian aerosol plumes turned off (files named "NOASIA"). Both models used their intrinsic slab ocean configurations and background aerosols. Files contain last 60 years of climate model data from a 100-year equilibrium climate model run for current day climate. T_DECOMPOSITION -files contain calculated surface temperature responses associated with each energetic pathway (see original publication describing the method). The data has been regridded to the same resolution for both models, with 47 hybrid sigma pressure levels and, 144 latitudes and 96 longitudes (see mygrid -file). Variable names follow standard CMIP5 naming protocol in "RENAMED" files, which contain the energetic flux and temperature (+precipitation) data. "FORCING" files contain the top-of-atmosphere total (direct+indirect), direct and indirect forcing components due to removal of Asian aerosols, calculated online with double radiation calls during the climate runs.. Also, a python code "RY15" for the calculation of Taylor decomposition is included (the code works only for SW components, a more complete code for the full decomposition will be available shortly from Kalle Nordling!). Mantras with cdo commands for the calculation of LW, CONV and SURF components are provided in "mantras" file, which is meant to be used with separately available ECHAM radiative kernels (see mantras -file).

Main reference where data will be published and described: Merikanto, J., Nordling, K., Räisänen, P., Räisänen, J., O'Donnell, D., Partanen, A.I., and Korhonen, K.: How Asian aerosols impact regional surface temperatures across the globe, submitted to Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2020.

Additional references describing methods and climate model runs: Nordling, K., Korhonen, H., Räisänen, P., Alper, M. E., Uotila, P., O'Donnell, D., and Merikanto, J.: Role of climate model dynamics in estimated climate responses to anthropogenic aerosols, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 9969–9987,, 2019. Räisänen, J.: An energy balance perspective on regional CO2-induced temperature changes in CMIP5 models. Clim. Dyn. 48:3441–3454, 2017.

Metadata Access
Creator Merikanto, Joonas; Nordling, Kella; Räisänen, Petri
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Publication Year 2020
Rights Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact joonas.merikanto(at)
Format txt; py; sh; nc
Size 19.1 GB; 13 files
Discipline Environmental science