WFJ_RHOSSA: Multi-instrument stratigraphy data for the seasonal evolution of an alpine snowpack


The WFJ_RHOSSA dataset contains multi-instrument, multi-resolution snow stratigraphy measurements for the seasonal evolution of the snowpack from the Weissfluhjoch research site, Davos, Switzerland.

The measurements were initiated during the RHOSSA field campaign conducted in the winter season 2015–2016 with a focus on density (RHO) and specific surface area (SSA) measurements.

The Instruments and methods used in the campaign at different spatial and temporal resolution are: SnowMicroPen, Density Cutter, IceCube, Traditional profiles, Stability tests and X-ray tomography. The measurements are complemented by simulation data from the model SNOWPACK.

Metadata Access
Creator Neige, Calonne,; Bettina , Richter,; Henning , Löwe,; Cecilia, Cetti,; Judith , ter Schure,; Alec , Van Herwijnen,; Charles , Fierz,; Matthias , Jaggi,; Martin , Schneebeli,
Publisher EnviDat
Publication Year 2020
Funding Reference WSL,
Rights wsl-data; WSL Data Policy
OpenAccess true
Contact envidat(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1.0
Discipline Environmental Sciences
Spatial Coverage (9.809 LON, 46.830 LAT); Switzerland