Laboratory measurements of the acoustic and physical properties of deep-sea sediments and rocks are important for the interpretation of seismic reflection and refraction data and estimation of in situ physical property values. Furthermore, the results of such measurements can be used to design geoacoustic models of the upper oceanic crust that can relate the physical properties of deep-sea sediments to lithology, depth of burial, and diagenetic effects (Hamilton, 1980; Milholland et al., 1980). The purpose of this paper is to report the results of laboratory measurements of wet-bulk density, compressionalwave velocity, and velocity anisotropy on sediments cored during DSDP Leg 79. The sample suite consists of 11 calcareous claystones and clay-rich chalks recovered between 370 to 720 m sub-bottom at Holes 545 and 547A.
Supplement to: Schaftenaar, C H; Carlson, Richard L (1984): Acoustic properties of calcareous claystones and clay-rich chalks, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 79. In: Hinz, K; Winterer, EL; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 79, 853-854