In situ micro-XRCT data sets of an open-cell polyurethane foam sample under combined loading conditions (compression + torsion, tension)


This dataset contains eight micro X-ray Computed Tomography (micro-XRCT) scan data sets (projection, reconstructed, and binarized images, respectively) of the identical open-cell reticulated polyurethane (PUR) foam sample with 10 pores per inch under different loads. The initial diameter and length of the unloaded cylindrical sample were 50 mm and 46.5 mm. The sample was glued on two sample holders to apply compression, tension, and torsion, cf. Ruf & Steeb (2023). The sample was subjected to two load protocols, A and B. Load protocol A consisted of the following steps:

initial state: ε = 0.0; φ = 0.0 degree → scan "A_t0" (i) twisting φ = 20.0 degree; (ii) compression ε = -0.2 → scan "A_t1" (i) twisting φ = 0.0 degree; (ii) tension ε = 0.05 → scan "A_t2" end state: ε = 0.0; φ = 0.0 degree → scan "A_t3" ,

and load protocol B of the steps:

initial state: ε = 0.0; φ = 0.0 degree → scan "B_t0" (i) compression ε = -0.2; (ii) twisting φ = 20.0 degree → scan "B_t1" (i) tension ε = 0.05; (ii) twisting φ = 0.0 degree → scan "B_t2" end state: ε = 0.0; φ = 0.0 degree → scan "B_t3" .

Here, ε = u/l0 is the axial strain given by the applied uniaxial displacement u in axial direction and the initial sample length l0 = 46.5 mm. φ denotes the twisting angle w.r.t the axial direction. Both protocols were performed displacement/twisting angle controlled with the rates |dε/dt| = 0.01 /min and |dφ/dt| = 1.0 deg/min for all changes, cf. file "protocols_A_and_B_visualization.pdf". The protocols differ only in the order in which the two boundary conditions are applied in steps 2 and 3 to investigate the sequence depending non-linear material behavior of superimposed loads.

The files "utm_data_protocol_A.csv" and "utm_data_protocol_B.csv" contain the measured displacement, twisting angle, axial force, and torque from the Universal Testing Machine (UTM) over time for load protocols A and B, respectively. Scans were performed at t0, t1, t2, and t3 after 20 min previous relaxation time. A pause of about 12 hours was taken between the two loading protocols to allow the sample to relax. The image data sets are labeled according to the loading protocol (A, B) and the time step the micro-XRCT scan was performed (t0, t1, t2, t3), followed by a specification of the image data set ("projections", "reconstructed", "binarized"). Besides the projection and 3D reconstructed images, binarized images (foam skeleton and pore space) are provided.

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Ruf, Matthias ORCID logo; Steeb, Holger ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Steeb, Holger; Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE) - Chair for Continuum-Mechanics; Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 "SimTech"; Ruf, Matthias
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference DFG 357361983
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Steeb, Holger (University of Stuttgart, Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE) & SC SimTech)
Resource Type Image data; Dataset
Format application/x-gzip; application/pdf; text/tab-separated-values
Size 5227620; 1660448966; 886120175; 4696348; 1679420841; 909576407; 5484336; 1655570925; 877236732; 5206905; 1660441959; 889996027; 5228376; 1660543462; 885445008; 4720409; 1679952203; 915827458; 5488473; 1655767756; 881791689; 5211126; 1660654857; 889179884; 58226; 94621; 1401278; 1390244
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Earth and Environmental Science; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Mechanical and industrial Engineering; Mechanics; Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage University of Stuttgart, Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), Stuttgart, 70569, Germany