Precious metals and volatiles in rocks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 15°20'N


Distribution patterns of gold, platinum group metals (PGE), and volatile components are studied in the main rock types of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge lithosphere (ultrabasites, gabbro, and basalts) from the transform fracture zone at 15°20'N. It is ascertained that PGE content depends on the reduction degree of fluids, on rock types, and on their formation conditions. It is noted that concentrations of refractory elements (Os, Ir, Rh) decrease, while those of fusible elements (Pt, Pd, Au) increase with depth. The chondrite type of distribution is only noted in the ultrabasite rocks. Increase in water and CO2 contents and in oxidation degree of fluids occurs with transition from basalts to ultrabasites, as well as from normal magmatic systems to fluid-enriched anomalous systems.

Supplement to: Lapukhov, A S; Simonov, Vladimir A; Pavlova, L K (1999): Noble metals in the bedrocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (15°20'N fracture zone). Translated from Okeanologiya, 1999, 39(5), 787-796, Oceanology, 39(5), 719-727

Metadata Access
Creator Lapukhov, A S; Simonov, Vladimir A; Pavlova, L K
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1999
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 2 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-46.846W, 14.700S, -44.760E, 15.860N); Cape Verde Fault Zone; Central Atlantic