Age determination and sea surface temperature reconstruction from marine and lake records, Iberian Peninsula


Selected multi-proxy and accurately dated marine and terrestrial records covering the past 2000 years in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) facilitated a comprehensive regional paleoclimate reconstruction for the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA: 900-1300 AD). The sequences enabled an integrated approach to land-sea comparisons and, despite local differences and some minor chronological inconsistencies, presented clear evidence that the MCA was a dry period in the Mediterranean IP. It was a period characterized by decreased lake levels, more xerophytic and heliophytic vegetation, a low frequency of floods, major Saharan eolian fluxes, and less fluvial input to marine basins. In contrast, reconstruction based on sequences from the Atlantic Ocean side of the peninsula indicated increased humidity. The data highlight the unique characteristics of the MCA relative to earlier (the Dark Ages, DA: ca. 500-900 years AD) and subsequent (the Little Ice Age, LIA: 1300-1850 years AD) colder periods. The reconstruction supports the hypothesis of Trouet et al. (2009, doi:10.1126/science.1166349), that a persistent positive mode of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) dominated the MCA.

Supplement to: Moreno, Ana; Pérez, Ana; Frigola, Jaime; Nieto-Moreno, Vanesa; Rodrigo-Gámiz, Marta; Martrat, Belén; González-Sampériz, Penélope; Morellón, Mario; Martín-Puertas, Celia; Corella, Juan Pablo; Belmonte, Ánchel; Sancho, Carlos; Cacho, Isabel; Herrera, Gemma; Canals, Miquel; Grimalt, Joan O; Jiménez-Espejo, Francisco Jose; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca C; Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Teresa; Valero-Garcés, Blas L (2012): The Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from marine and lake records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 43, 16-32

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Moreno, Ana (ORCID: 0000-0001-7357-584X); Pérez, Ana; Frigola, Jaime ORCID logo; Nieto-Moreno, Vanesa ORCID logo; Rodrigo-Gámiz, Marta ORCID logo; Martrat, Belén ORCID logo; González-Sampériz, Penélope ORCID logo; Morellón, Mario; Martín-Puertas, Celia ORCID logo; Corella, Juan Pablo ORCID logo; Belmonte, Ánchel; Sancho, Carlos; Cacho, Isabel ORCID logo; Herrera, Gemma; Canals, Miquel ORCID logo; Grimalt, Joan O ORCID logo; Jiménez-Espejo, Francisco Jose; Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca C ORCID logo; Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Teresa (ORCID: 0000-0001-9136-136X); Valero-Garcés, Blas L ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2012
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 5 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-1.367W, 36.383S, 4.030E, 42.550N); Algerian-Balearic basin; Central Pyrenees; Minorca contourite