The suspended matter concentration (SPM in gm-3) was determined according to the ESA validation protocols (Doerffer 2002). Before filtration, the Whatman GFF filters were washed, glowed and weighted. The water samples were filtrated using the pre-treated filters. After filtration, the filters were washed with Milli-Q water, dried at a temperature of 70°C and weighted.Yellow substance absorption (ay(440 nm) in m-1) was determined according to Højerslev, (1980). The water samples were filtrated using Whatman GFF filters. The absorbance of the filtered water was measured with Perkin-Elmer Lambda-2 spectrophotometer. The ay(440nm) value was calculated using the equation ay(440 nm)= 2.303A(440 nm)/l where A is the absorbance and l is the length of the quartz cell in meters.