Daily surface concentration of fire related PM2.5 for 2003-2023, modelled by SILAM CTM when using the MODIS satellite data for the fire radiative power


Fine particles from wildfires are one important source for PM2.5. These small aerosol particles are risk to health and cause a large number of premature deaths world-wide. Using the MODIS satellite data we estimate the fine particulate matter emissions from wildfires and model they dispersion in atmosphere using the System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition (SILAM) chemistry transport model. The surface concentration of PM-fine, related to fires, is here evaluated for years 2003-2023 and the corresponding daily mean data is provided both in global scale, in 0.2 degree resolution, and also in European scale in 0.1 degree resolution. Additionally, the total global PM2.5-column from fires is provided at 0.5 degree resolution.

We use the fire radiative power data of MODIS instrument onboard of Aqua and Terra satellite to estimate globally the fire radiative power (FRP) from wildfires for years 2003-2023. The FRP is converted to fire related fine particles (PM2.5) using calibrated emissions factors and diurnal profile, together with dynamical emission heights. The dispersion of the fire related PM is followed by using System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition (SILAM) chemistry transport model version 5.8 (http://silam.fmi.fi, open-source code http://github.com/fmidev/silam-model). The global scale simulations have a resolution of 0.2x0.2 degrees with 29 model levels reaching up to 10.5 Pascals (~64 km). The lowest layer top is at ~31 m. The European scale grid has a horizontal resolution of 0.1x0.1 degrees and the boundaries come from the global results calculated at a resolution of 0.5x0.5 degrees, top boundary being at ~16 km. Total column is extracted from the global run performed at a resolution of 0.5 degrees. All simulations have time resolution of one hour from which the daily averaged surface concentration and the total column are extracted to the this data-set. Both the global and European scale simulations use the ERA5 meteorology as a drive.

TechnicalInfo: The dataset consists of three subsets: 1) NetCDF file europePMfire01deg_2003to2023.nc4 contains the daily averaged fire related PM surface concentration in 0.1 degree resolution in European region, defined by lon = W25...E45, and lat = N30...N72. 2) NetCDF files globPMfire02deg_YEAR.nc4, where YEAR=2003,...,2023, contain the global daily averaged fire related PM surface concentration in 0.2 degree resolution. 3) NetCDF file globPMfireTotCol05deg_2003to2023.nc4 contains the global daily averaged total column of fire related PM in 0.5 degree resolution. Compared to the previous version of the dataset [Dated June 20, 2023 with DOI:10.23728/fmi-b2share.722bb9d1937548908d2b6c1cfd9f8e5d ] the current version of the dataset has improved resolution for the global data (0.2 degree, compared to 0.5 degree). Additionally, the current version includes the data for the year 2023. The data is trimmed, such that the relative precision is 2 to 3 digits.

DOI https://doi.org/10.57707/fmi-b2share.d1cac971b3224d438d5304e945e9f16c
Source https://fmi.b2share.csc.fi/records/d1cac971b3224d438d5304e945e9f16c
Metadata Access https://fmi.b2share.csc.fi/api/oai2d?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=eudatcore&identifier=oai:fmi.b2share.csc.fi:b2rec/d1cac971b3224d438d5304e945e9f16c
Creator Hänninen, Risto; Sofiev, Mikhail; Uppstu, Andreas; Kouznetsov, Rostislav
Instrument System for Integrated modeLling of Atmopsheric coMposition SILAM
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Contributor Hänninen, Risto; Sofiev, Mikhail; Uppstu, Andreas; Kouznetsov, Rostislav; SILAM team, Finnish Meteorological Institute; Finnish Meteorological Institute
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference European Union H2020 820655; Academy of Finland 334798; European Union H2020 101003890
Rights CC-BY; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Risto.Hanninen(at)fmi.fi
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format nc4
Size 19.4 GB; 23 files
Discipline Environmental science
Spatial Coverage (0.000 LON, 0.000 LAT); Global (0.2 x 0.2 degree resolution); European domain (0.1 x 0.1 degree resolution); Global (0.5x 0.5 degree resolution) for the total column
Temporal Coverage 2002-12-31T22:00:00.000Z 2023-12-31T22:00:00.000Z